GREAT. JUST FREAKING GREAT. Got into another car accident eariler today! LOST THE ALTIMA perhaps too! Just....OOOH.
Sorry I'm speaking or rather yelling in all caps but I'm still ****** OFF over this whole year of crap I'm having to deal with!
In just a couple of months it would have been freaking 1 whole year since my last car accident (involving my own car at least). Not even a whole year. NOT EVEN A WHOLE FREAKING YEAR CAN GO BY, WITHOUT ME LOSING MY CAR.
AGAIN. Again, I lose my car; my transportation. Only this time: It was my fault, apperently. So, no insurance covering for another vehicle while I wait for a restitution check to be cut so I can get another salvaged car. I'm without a vehicle. I have to pay $130 to the courthouse for my TICKET.
....I now have a record. Oh god. Me and Rob were planning to go to the comic book store; they were opening their vault today. Well, yesterday at work, Rob twisted his wrist; nothing major, but I decided....well I got got gas yesterday. So let's take my car.
So he wouldn't have to drive with his bad wrist, I can't really drive his truck; I don't trust myself in it. Well, we get up to the second entrance to his housing development, and I've got my turn signal on for turning left. I know Right-Of-Way as well; I waited until the traffic seemed to die down, it's a touch hard to see going left. I saw nothing coming at all.
This...ooh, I'd say a word that would get bleeped if I'm not careful here....this dummy-minded person actually kept speeding to hit me.
Rob and I both believe that he wants to "cash in" on whatever he can get from me. Well, he's going to be pulling his hand empty out of this particular cookie jar. I'm a very broke woman. I mean broke. Like I was wondering where my gas money was going to be coming for next week, due to not having much to do this past week at work.
But was the most scary was this: I got stuck in the car. I mean, it hit my side. I honestly thought I was going to die. It wasn't until Rob reached over and touched my cheek that I knew I wasn't dead.
Oh god, I saw the little red car coming for me, and I saw that man's face too. He was smiling, guys. He was smiling as he hit my car. That...that was worse then anything I'd ever had to deal with.
After impact, my car went sailing over into somebody's yard. I pressed the brake (as I had hit the gas previously in an instinct to get away) put the car in park, pulled up the emergency brake (wasn't 100% sure the regular brakes would work), and turned off the radio too. Their car was in the middle of the road, (so we thought this at the time) they got somebody to push their car into the person's driveway.
Come to find out later, when the tow truck came for their car. They could drive their car. They could crank up, and drive their car. Granted, with a front-end collision; you honestly wouldn't want to drive it far; but I got hit on THE SIDE and I STILL couldn't crank up or drive my car. My steering column; completely locked up. That's probably why I couldn't start it, the battery would turn on, just I couldn't crank it up.
It just....OOOH. My thoughts when I saw the little red car coming towards me were this: "I love you Rob. I guess I'll see you soon, Jim; Richard."
I really thought I was going to die. Well, I'm going to try to go back to bed, my left hip and shoulder are REALLY hurting. I'll probably take one of my vicodin (originally for my cyst, they'll just do just fine for my current pain) and go to bed.
I will however be up for a while longer before then, so I might respond back if you wanna PM me on this matter or whatever. I love you guys, and if anything like this does happen again, I bequeath the ownership of this club to Muppet Newsgirl. I do not honestly know what my reasons are for that either. I just feel she'd be a good leader for you guys.