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Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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Me too. It's a fan club for Richard Hunt, but it's also a place for us to come and chat. So I think it fits just fine here.

Wow...the prospect of getting a new job and going back to college, plus eventually getting hitched...go for it, Sara!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Well... Like I said, it's up to Sara to say so. But no worries, rest in peace knowing the RHLC will be staying fright here where it is.
Mmm... 14300 posts, that's my fave number, 13 times 11 times 100. Think there's something there, maybe a Multiplication Rock song to be created.
Oh well, night all.


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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Oh, Sarah, that is all wonderful news! And you would really do that? Invite us? You really don't mind us crashing your wedding? I mean, I would RSVP, of course; can't speak for the rest of these hooligans though.
:wink: Just kidding. I hope everything works out for you!

Yeah, the club is fine right here. I seriously do think moving would through off our cool vibe or something, and the thread would slowly begin to sink to the bottom until the inevitable happened.

Oh well, more later. I'm off to bed.

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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Sounds great, Sara. But.hmm, I'd have to see what plans I have for June of '08. That's right after I'm expected to graduate from college, so I'd have to squeeze it in between job hunting or graduate school, whichever. But it'd be nice to see a bunch of the other RHLC-ers in person!

I agree, Kate, let's leave the club here where it is. By the way, how did your presentation on AIDS go?


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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*Just got back after a whirlwind two days of running around town doing stuff.*

Um, I'd like The RHLC! to stay right where it is. Unless of course we're breaking some rule I don't know about. And Ed of course would definately fill us in on it.

*rushes out the door to go out and do some stuff she forgot to do*

I feel like Scooter nowadays. I'm home with no job, so I've become the gofer in my house. Doing everything that they've not had time to do lately. XD

OOOH! I've got an address for a webpage set up for my wedding actually: Wedding Webpage


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Sissy! This is all such exciting news for you! I love your webpage, it's awesome. I really can't begin to tell you how insanely excited I am for you. I miss chatting with you online. One of these days perhaps.

Now back to your regularly scheduled RHLC thread.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hi. Just popped in to say not to worry. You're not breaking any rules, the RHLC's fine where it is. Maybe I should go move the Post Count thread back up here to Friends & Family though.

Oh. Any bagels left? Personally, I haven't had one in the longest time. Especially sesame seed bagels with cream cheese, or if there's none of that a bit of butter which helps your fingers slip 'n' slide on the plate, making it easier to pick up all the little seeds that fell off.
Mmm, me getting hungry. Huh? Cookie Monster? Where'd you come from?
Someone! Get me out of this Muppet voice-changing thread-hopping warp I'm in!


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
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Thanks, William! :smile:
Aww, you're welcome, sweetie!

Hi again.
Erin, sorry to keep you waiting. My e-mail is
And that goes for anyone else too. Feel free to drop me a line some time if you like!
Heh, page numbers, post numbers, it's all good. Thanks!
I added you to my i'm network!

Just to let everyone know, the link for the photo was working for me before, but the site seems to be down now. Hopefully it'll go up later. Btw, nice fanfic passsage, MN!

In the meantime, youtube's posted another Forgetful Jones clip. This time involving '80s computers.a simpler time, back when floppy disks were floppy! lol


Lol, as soon as the play wouldn't start, I KNEW it was because of Forgetful!
Hehe! I love that. Especially the part with Telly! It was good to se Bob's uncle Wally with and his pet seal Wulfgang! hehe!

Now this is a nice find, considering how rare it is, the Muppets 3D pre show!


I have to feel sorry for Scooter here, everyone's giving him a hard time, lol. But that's what happens when you're the lowly young gopher! I think my favorite part is when he's looking back and forth at the different monitors saying "We.have.no.phone!"
That was too cool! I loved that! I realy loved the part where Gonzo was tap dancing! hehe!

Guys: Richard's quilt is now officially part of the AIDS Quilt! :wink:

Our packet of panel makers' information came in the mail this morning. Richard's panel is in block #5765.

The letter said the panel's been "bundled" with seven others, which means it's been formally grouped and numbered but probably not sewn down yet. But I imagine they'll be taking care of that pretty soon. And then it'll be ready to go out on display.

Oh, man, this is only too cool.
That so awsome and I'm so happy for you, Erin!

That is great about the quilt!

Ok, my birthday has finally come and gone! And it was a very good one. Plus, I finally did manage to get a hold of that elusive Children's Songs and Stories with the Muppets!

It is truly one of the most adorable Muppet projects I've seen. And it's practically a love letter to Scooter, which also rocks. I'll try to separate them by segment.

1. As I mentioned earlier, the show opens with Scooter at a desk with his scrapbook of Muppet Show memories. The first song he introduces is "Octopus' Garden", sung by Robin.
Kermit: The song was great!
Scooter: Yeah, but you were all wet! Lolol (He sort of sounded like a very young Statler there. Perhaps JP Grosse isn't the only relative Scooter has in the theater!)
Kermit: .cute joke.
Scooter: Mmm hmm!

2. "I'm Five", again sung by Robin.
Scooter: Well, Robin's five! ::boastfully:: Personally I'm A LOT older than that! And John Denver's grandmother, who knows how old she is!" (Obviously this was followed by "Grandma's Feather Bed!")

Things go pretty standard for awhile.

3. Scooter: For all you young music lovers, here's some very young music!
Bobby Benson and his All Baby Band plays their song
Scooter: I know, I know! (Of course, that's BB's catchphrase, normally perfomred by Richard!)

4. Scooter calls "The King's Breakfast" poem one of his favorites. Then Rowlf introduces a poem. Scooter says, "Nice poem? Gee I hope it fits in!"

But things slowly begin to go awry. Scooter continually tries to introduce his "personal favorite" song. So named "because I sing it." But unfortunately, he's continually interrupted by other characters.

5. Kermit first interrupts Scooter, asking him to show The Muppet Show's tribute to Alice in Wonderland. Scooter's a little confused and put off but he agrees.
Scooter: Wha.right now? .Well sure, why not?"

6. Afterward, Kermit thanks Scooter and leaves.
Scooter: Sure thing, boss! And now, ::annoyed:: as I said before, my personal favorite song because I sing it.

7. BUT, he's interrupted by Rowlf again, asking to hear Somwhere Over the Rainbow, sung yet again by Robin.
Scooter: Somewhere Over the Rainbow? But I thought.
Rowlf: Somewhere Over the Rainbow!
Scooter: Allright, Somewhere Over the Rainbow! ::dryly:: By Robin.(starting to notice some Robin hostility yet?)

8. Following SoR.
Scooter: Very nice, but now!
Two mild mannered fish swim by. A growingly frustrated Scooter gives into yet another interruption (though not without a little playfulness)
Fish: But Scooter, what about friendship?
Scooter: What about friendship?
Fish: Do the song, Scooter!
Scooter: I thought I was doing my song.
Fish: Be a friend! Show the clip?
Scooter: Show the clip?
Fish: Yes, show the clip! ::gurgle gurgle::
Scooter: Alright.::gurgle gurgle::

9. Following Kermit and Robin's duet "Friendship".
Scooter: Swell! Ok, fish?
Fish: Ok! ::gurgle gurgle:: (They leave)
Scooter: Alright! ::gurgle gurgle::

10. Scooter tries one more time to introduce his song
Scooter: And now! ::looks from side to side:: the one, the only.Swedish Chef?
Swedish Chef: ::typical mock Swedish::
Scooter: Uh I don't understand anything you're saying!
Swedish Chef: ::more mock Swedish::
Scooter figures out what song the chef wants and relucantly agrees. The chef starts hugging him
Scooter: That tickles!

11. Following Four Legged Friend
Scooter: That's a horse of a different color! And now! ::talks faster:: My personal favorite because I sing it.
And he's interrupted AGAIN, this time by Waldor (of all people heh). Poor Scooter lets out a very sad moan (Awwww).
Waldorf: Young man, young man! You should play Inchworm! It's very educational. Four plus four makes zero and all!
Scooter: Uh.
Waldorf: Oh no wait
Scooter: No no, let's let the kids figure it out!

12. Finally, the special's almost over. And Scooter's no closer to introducing his song.
Scooter: Well that's almost the end.
Kermit: Hey, you know what song you should do?
Scooter: No.::head down::
Kermit: It's that song of yours, it used to be your personal favorite!
Scooter: ::looks away:: Oh, nobody wants to hear that!
Kermit: Well, I do!
Scooter: ::looks back:: You do?
Kermit: Sure, it's GREAT! ::doing that arm gesture Scooter always done::
Scooter: It IS great! And it's my personal favorite!
Kermit: Oh good! And now, the one, the only, Six String Orchestra, sung by Scooter!
Both: Great! ::with arm gesture::

13. Halfway Down the Stairs
Following Six String Orchestra, all is right with the world once again.
Scooter: Thanks, boss! And I have a good song to end on, ::tenderly:: it's by Kermit's nephew Robin! (Aww)

Phew! That was a lot of typing! Hehe, after viewing the special, I've decided it should have been subtitled "Scooter's Older Child Syndrome!" Here, Scooter goes through all the various stages of the insecure syndrome.

He begins by happily boasting about how much older and more mature he is than his younger relative (in this case, Robin). After all, he WAS chosen by Kermit to host the special! He's a grown up with responsibilities and he's proud! He even attempts to make a joke at his boss' expense ("You were all wet!"), proving that he's one of the guys!

But soon, he grows jealous and resentful, when he realizes cute little Robin is getting all the attention from the grown ups. He's no longer the proud grown up, but an insecure little boy wondering why no one wants to watch him anymore.

Finally the parental figure, Kermit, comes to the rescue. He warmly insists Scooter do his "personal favorite" song, because he'd love to hear it. Kermit assures Scooter he is still important and loved. Feeling secure once again, Scooter has no problem introducing little Robin's final number.

Well, I hope that was interesting and entertaining for everyone. I'm really glad I was able to find it. And especially glad I was able to share it will all of you. I'd definitely give it five GREATS! of my own.
Happy Birthday! And I'm glad you finally got to watch your video! I'm glad you liked it!

*Hugs the gofer tightly* Aw, you felt left out! Glad to be back finally, once more!

I might be getting a job with Walgreen's! Yay! On other news, I might also be going back to college, going to Trident Tech down in Charleston! That would be a bit aways, however. And it would probably be next year or something.

Also, also! I've set a date for my wedding! June 14th, 2008! It's a.what it is again? *Goes and checks a calendar real quick* A Saturday!

And when it gets closer, I'll make up a digital invitation and I'll PM it to anyone who is interested in it! I'd love to see all of my Muppet Central friends at my wedding, that would be so awesome.
Congradulations on the wedding date, Sara!


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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Ah well, I figured if I didn't come right out and give you a report on my report, one of you would end up asking. I was just waiting to see which one would come first. Well, I bombed
:crazy: and I knew it. The paper was short, and put together too hastily. Of course as you know, I was going to mention Richard, but I ended up talking about him more than I meant to. The picture and article were probably the reason I got the good grade I did though, so thanks girls! I got a C on the paper itself, but a 13 out of 15 on the presentation. She said when it was averaged, it would probably come out to be a B+!
:smile: So all-in-all, not too bad!