Wow.. September 24th of last year I ran away, no idea how I did this. I was going through hard times, I was basically depressed. I just felt like I couldn't stay in this town anymore.. So I got a little bit of money(stupidity). I rode the bus to school in the morning, I walked across the street to Foodlion, and from their me and my girlfriend got picked up by two guys I know( maybe not so nice of people.) They took us up a town, and from their we hung out until night. We met two people and they took us to maryland, and New Jersey. From their we just hitchiked, with no sense of where we were going.. Finally, we met this guy who said he would turn us in if we didn't call home.. so we had to.
From start to finish we made it through. Virginia, Maryland, newJersey, Philidelphia, Newyork, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana.
Once I got back, It took me until about christmas to get my act together.
Wow, feels weird going back through it all now.