You were asking about Jonah a few posts ago. He is such an interesting person to study, and I have many times. According to the scriptures after running from God, and getting swallowed by the big fish, which by the way I've heard some believe that God created a special fish just for this, and that it was not a whale. Anyways after getting out of the fish goes and dose as God told him to, but not out of fear or respect for what God had said. Jonah wanted revenge, and he preached but instead of the people rejecting his message they heed to it. So Jonah then has a putty party for himself, and that's really the last we hear about him.
I personally believe that he died there in his pitty, which is sad considering the testimony he could have had. I don't believe that there has ever been any record of anyone being swallowed by any kind of sea creature and then live to tell about.