Um...that's not why any Buffy fan I've met likes the program
Ehhh... to me, it was a show geeky people watched because they thought Sarah Michelle Gellar was hot.

(kidding... kidding...well, maybe just a little) I don't know why, but I never liked her. Had I known she played April in the new TMNT movie, I wouldn't have seen it (and coming from a green blooded TMNT fan, that is something). Not that she didn't do a great job, though. Don't know why I tolerated her in both Scooby Doo movies... of course, the woman playing Velma was hot....
I did like the Puppet show episode of Angel, though. But again, it's not my type of thing.
I would admit it if true, but I'm unfortunately not that geeky a guy (except when it comes to Muppets). Odd, but not geeky per say - and my libido swings the other way so Gellar's hotness factor doesn't phase me. She's okay, I guess. Depends upon the lighting. Anyway, I find that reasoning presumptuous and contrary to my taste for the show. I've met fans of all types in my daily life. If I watched a science fiction television program for hotness value I’d still be tuning into Smallville or Supernatural, but those programs don’t have the qualities I admire from Joss Whedon’s work.
It was Buffy’s clever writing that got me. I must admit that I was initially dismissive of the show and passed it off as a guilty pleasure until seeing enough episodes to note how well crafted it was in many respects. That's what kept people coming back, not the star-power or hotness factor. It really didn't have much of either. However, if you'd watched a few full episodes Buffy you'd realize that title aside it was very much an ensemble show.
I didn't like Gellar's work in the Scooby Doo movies, but hers’ was not the worst performance. Her husband, Freddy Prinze Jr. (who I probably should find hot, but don't) made for a horrible Fred!
My love of film (well, maybe I'm film geeky) would not prevent me from seeing a picture due to the inclusion of any particular actor. If that were true I would have missed every Kevin Costner movie (and there are a few good ones). I don't understand that logic. I didn’t agree with casting Gellar for April in the latest TMNT movie. She wasn’t horrible, but didn’t bring anything to the table either. It could have been anyone.
Somebody should coin a new phrase for this like “Chipmunked” (after the recent motion picture) for pointless voice casting of trendy actors that serves no purpose except promotion.
Recap of Buffy attributes: Clever writing, story archs, character relationships, modern mythology, campy, witty with a sense of humor about itself.
I can still see why some wouldn't give it a chance and why others, even given a chance, still may not find it their thing. No judgements either way.