Respectful Politics Thread (Let's Just See)


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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I don't think it's that the companies are eager to hire the illegal immigrants so much as it is they just simply know that illegal immigrants are willing to take crap jobs for anywhere between scale and a reasonable salaries, because middle and working class Americans sure aren't . . . then they whine and complain about the illegals "stealing" jobs away from them that they wouldn't even take in the first place. It'd be like a kid who doesn't want to eat his veggies, so someone else eats them instead, then the kid cries about his veggies being stolen.
Well, heh, I can't blame Americans for not wanting those jobs, they're likely miserable conditions and low paying, not something you can feed a family on. Not healthy like vegetables.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Honestly, I don't blame those Americans either . . . I mean, it's understandable that they wouldn't want such jobs - especially if they've got their sights set on something much higher anyway. The veggie analogy is just a comparison of how it's actually somewhat ridiculous of some Americans complaining about illegals "stealing" their jobs when those Americans don't even want those jobs anyway, but the illegals do.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Honestly, I don't blame those Americans either . . . I mean, it's understandable that they wouldn't want such jobs - especially if they've got their sights set on something much higher anyway. The veggie analogy is just a comparison of how it's actually somewhat ridiculous of some Americans complaining about illegals "stealing" their jobs when those Americans don't even want those jobs anyway, but the illegals do.
Oh yea I agree that whole "They took yer job!" thing is pretty hilarious.

Beyond that, I just don't have that much experience with the illegal immigrant issue to comment.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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@D'Snowth and @jvcarroll - I'm sure you both will like this even if we don't see eye to eye on Hillary.

Lol, yes that is the schizophrenia with Trump supporters. They like Trump because he's not the same old swampy politician. But when you point out his own failings, suddenly it's "So what, all politicians lie!!!" I partly understand, they're asking why do you care now, when you've put up with it from other presidents over and over. And that's a very good question.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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@D'Snowth and @jvcarroll - I'm sure you both will like this even if we don't see eye to eye on Hillary.

Actually, this is pretty inaccurate. They wouldn't say Hillary is the devil, or that Hillary is responsible for all of Trump's transgressions. . . .

They'd pin all that junk on Obama. :wink:
Beyond that, I just don't have that much experience with the illegal immigrant issue to comment.
Well, I'm not necessarily speaking from experience either, but as always, from observation. But I will say this though, when it comes to job hunting, those menial tasks that ordinary middle and working class Americans wouldn't want to take are plentiful.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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I don't think it's that the companies are eager to hire the illegal immigrants so much as it is they just simply know that illegal immigrants are willing to take crap jobs for anywhere between scale and a reasonable salaries, because middle and working class Americans sure aren't . . . then they whine and complain about the illegals "stealing" jobs away from them that they wouldn't even take in the first place. It'd be like a kid who doesn't want to eat his veggies, so someone else eats them instead, then the kid cries about his veggies being stolen.
I became wise to this illegal immigrant labor pool about ten or twelve years ago.
The town I used to work in, where there was quite a concentration of Mexican immigrants, there was a parking lot they would meet at 7 every morning. There were usually 30 or 40. A few contractors would stop by and pick up maybe ten or fifteen for a day's labor doing landscaping work.
Paying them under the table (not having to file income taxes, no social security numbers, no tax id's, no nothing) the owners made out like bandits.
For the workers, it was a catch-22. Either it's far better conditions than anything back home, OR, because so many don't know English or know where to turn for how to get proper citizenship, don't know, that going through proper channels, could do much better for themselves.

When I worked at Toys R Us, there were a number of Hispanics who came to me because they wanted to learn English, wanted a crash course in Civics, wanted to better themselves. I was perfectly willing to help them any way I could.
Others were happy to drift along, not assimilate, not learn English, even if it meant they made less than those who tried to improve themselves.

America should be the Land of Opportunity. Land of the Handout, not so much.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2002
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My Thoughts on the SCOTUS Bakery Verdict:

I get that this is a narrow ruling that only protects custom orders, but it's still bogus. Besides cake toppers and other specific decorations, there are no gay ingredients. The creation of a confection does not mean endorsement of a ceremony. This is modern day shunning. Anyone in customer service knows that waiting on people that you don't like isn't a hardship. It's called adulthood and being a professional. We cannot choose to be this way in a functioning society. More and more, we have all begun to curate our lives, our news, our social media connections, but this goes too far. We're becoming less connected with each other. This makes the world smaller, inhibits growth and understanding. This entire case is a selfish child's argument, not a religious one. Progressives who didn't support our last presidential candidate because of her imperfections - elections have consequences. This is one we're going to have to suffer through, in unimaginable ways, for years to come. Your behavior last election cycle was childish too. In this world, we don't always get what we want and sometimes have to put the needs of others before our own or before our ego. That's where I stand. Morally, I wouldn't buy a cake from a bigot, but that's not the point. Desegregating lunch-counters and restaurants in the 60's helped bring about a better functioning society. That was not going to happen without a push. That's what America does - push a little bit and our people rise to the occasion. Well, our nation has become all too angry, fickle, nihilistic, and selfish these days. I have faith that the the tide will turn again.
You are completely misunderstanding the ruling by the SCOTUS. They actually dodged the question and made no ruling regarding the baker's actual right to refuse to bake a cake for the gay couple. The ruling was more of a condemnation of Colorado's Civil Rights Commission and that they treated the baker's religious beliefs unfairly. From the written ruling:

The government “cannot act in a manner that passes judgment upon or presupposes the illegitimacy of religious beliefs and practices,” Justice Anthony M. Kennedy wrote for the majority. In considering the baker’s case, the commission “was neither tolerant nor respectful of [baker Jack] Phillips’ religious beliefs.”​


Yet even as Mr. Kennedy insisted that the law “must be applied in a manner that treats religion with neutral respect,” he also indicated that Colorado’s law itself was valid: “Colorado law can protect gay persons . . . in acquiring whatever products and services they choose on the same terms and conditions as are offered to other members of the public.”​


Finally, Mr. Kennedy warned that the court could not, in the future, rule expansively in favor of a baker’s religious claims, “lest all purveyors of goods and services who object to gay marriages for moral and religious reasons in effect be allowed to put up signs saying ‘no goods or services will be sold if they will be used for gay marriages,’ something that would impose a serious stigma on gay persons.”

Old Thunder

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2015
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Gosh dang it McCain, you cancerous terminal wood inspector!