What do you know about dreams?


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
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I had such a crazy dream the other night...

It started with me walking around this store (I think it was Target, I'm pretty sure I saw a food court in there), then I went in one of the toy aisles, and freaked out because I saw some really cool stuff, like a Trogdor action figure and some Sonic figures and plushies. (URRGH, I HATE it when I find really cool merch in my dreams that dosen't exist IRL!!) Seems normal so far, right? This is where it really gets weird.

All of a sudden, this random kid got really mad at me for no reason whatsoever and started chasing me through the store, so I try to run to the car outside (my mom is out there and I'm in the store by myself). Whenever the angry kid charged at me, I grabbed him, spun him around and flung him across the store, sending him flying. Yup, just like Mario did to Bowser in Super Mario 64. I guess I had superpowers in this dream, IDK.

Then, after doing that a few times, he REALLY got mad at me and chased me out the store and into the parking lot. I ran to the car, told my mom all about this kid, and I told her to step on it! And so we sped off from the store in hot pursuit from this kid and his mom, who were now chasing us down the road in their crappy minivan. (I guess I should note that these weirdoes looked like your typical redneck trailer trash folks; really fat with sunburned skin.)

After driving for quite a while (thankfully the cops never got involved in this), we drove down this dirt road that goes back into the forest to hide from the crazies. We came to this clearing in the forest, where we were suddenly at Camp Campbell (of the Rooster Teeth show Camp Camp)! Unfortunatly though, we didn't get to meet any of the characters before I woke up.

Man, it sure was weird, but it was kinda fun.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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So yeah. Last night I actually had a dream I stole a police car and drove off. Cops eventually found me and pulled me over.

Surprisingly, the cop was annoyed but not like "how DARE you steal our car!" Annoyed. Just casual license and registration blah blah. I told him I didn't have my license so I just gave him my name and he told me to stay in the car. For whatever reason, I drove off then drove back and he acted like nothing happened. He just told me how much I had to pay for the ticket.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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In stealing a cop car, you could have pulled another car over making them believe you're a cop, then get out and steal their car! :stick_out_tongue:


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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I'd probably pull someone over and be that ******* who would put so many false charges with ridiculous prices. :stick_out_tongue:

Okay, no, that's not something to joke about. Ah, who am I kidding? I poke fun at stuff.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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"Sir! Do you know why I pulled you over?"

"Is.... It because I'm white?"

"Sure.... No. Because you were speeding, a tail light is out, you didn't signal when you pulled over, you support CNN, believe that my waifu's aren't real, can't tell which Monotone is which, think Muppets from Space is the worst Muppet film ever, can't handle any negative comment about Disney, hate Mst3k, have very anti furry views, constantly demand uploaders to upload skits from the Workshop vault at 60fps, hate anime, believe fox news isn't biased, and to top it all off, won't stop showing your stupid baby on Facebook."


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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On another note -

This is probably because I was watching clips of Supernanny last night, but I had a dream before the cop part where I was my own nanny on my own reality show.

The parents didn't approve of my techniques. :stick_out_tongue:


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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True. I found NANNY 911 a little more interesting, because they had three different nannies they would dispatch based on their strengths in where they needed to help get the families back in line . . . and IIRC, there was a rare occasion where they had to send all three nannies to a particularly large family.

EDIT: I'm gonna be honest . . . I always thought Supernanny Jo Frost looked like an older, frumpier version of Rachael Ray. :stick_out_tongue: