Favorite Disney movie?
Favorite Disney character?
Does Disney-Pixar count? If so, I have two choices for favorite Disney flicks: I'd say
The Lion King and
Toy Story. Honorable mention:
The Incredibles.
Favorite Disney characters: A tie between Mickey Mouse and Winnie the Pooh. Both of them are very endearing to me, and I've loved their shows and films since childhood.
Favorite animals?
Any pets? If yes, kinds and names, please?
Views on my cat as queen of the universe?
Favorite animals: dogs, cats, bunnies, monkeys, and sloths.
Pets: When I was younger, my family owned some fish (a gift from my grandfather). Their names were Gold, Goldie, Clemmy, Tangy, Icky, and Spot. They lived in a giant fish tank in the kitchen, and I took great pleasure in feeding them. Apparently, I took too much pleasure in doing so, and because I fed the fish so often, they grew and grew and GREW!!! We have not had pets since then.
Finally, I love your avatar. I assume that's your cat. What a lovely animal...I say that your cat can be whatever it wants to be, including queen of the universe! I strongly encourage it to PURR-sue its dreams. (See what I did there?