If I have any kids, my first son will be named Duncan. It's brilliant! I can call him Duncan Donuts all his life and drive him nuts! XD
If I marry some guy with the last name Jones and I have a son, I want to either name him Mashed Potato(go see Halloween Fairstival at homestarrunner.com for reason) or David Robert(personal injoke).
My mom's name is Joy. Perfectly fine, except one thing: she can "never find anything with [her] name on it except around Christmas!"
If you do not want your kids to shun the identity you gave them, don't give them names with which they have the oppurtunity to shorten. My parents named me Jessica. Never call me that, unless you like having a black eye. IT'S JESS. GOT THAT?
Never give your kids names that the spellcheckers hate. My middle name's Renae, spelled exactly like that. Microsoft Word's spellchecker eats it right up.
One more thing... FOR THE LOVE OF FRIED POTATOES, DO NOT NAME YOUR KID JESUS! I'm so glad the guy in my health class who was named that went by "Bronce". It's a lot easier on my nerves...