And America Continues to Show it's True Colors. . .


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2015
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Kinda makes me sad since I liked actually talking about muppet stuff instead of politics. But, the Steve stuff ended up getting even more heated than this!
Honestly, i've been pretty annoyed that this thread even exists. My original Trump thread got heated, but then we reached a huge breakthrough together and it made us feel really close. But I thought we, including the person who started this thread, agreed that we wouldn't talk about politics so often on this website anymore. I had specifically hoped that we wouldn't talk about Trump again until he left office. But, not long after, this thread happened. As if this place wasn't dysfunctional enough! You do realize we're the laughing stock of other Muppet fan communities? I know politics are big and heated right now, but these topics have a time and a place. Honestly, i'm so done with politics and I was a bit disappointed when activity on this thread started to pick up again.

We're all funny, intelligent, kind hearted, passionate people. I'm sure we can all find better things to talk about!

Muppet Master

Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
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Honestly, i've been pretty annoyed that this thread even exists. My original Trump thread got heated, but then we reached a huge breakthrough together and it made us feel really close. But I thought we, including the person who started this thread, agreed that we wouldn't talk about politics so often on this website anymore. I had specifically hoped that we wouldn't talk about Trump again until he left office. But, not long after, this thread happened. As if this place wasn't dysfunctional enough! You do realize we're the laughing stock of other Muppet fan communities? I know politics are big and heated right now, but these topics have a time and a place. Honestly, i'm so done with politics and I was a bit disappointed when activity on this thread started to pick up again.

We're all funny, intelligent, kind hearted, passionate people. I'm sure we can all find better things to talk about!
The laughingstock of the muppet community? I don't feel like the muppet community is big enough to even have laughingstocks, this is like one of the few places to discuss muppet stuff.

Eh, there's else to really discuss on this forum anymore, so why not. Hopefully there's some upcoming new muppet project soon (probably not).


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2003
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Fair enough. I was angry earlier, I'm sorry you bore the brunt of it. And yes, we can't complain about division but then say "It's the right/left's fault!" Kinda defeats the point. :wink:

At this point, I do think the checks and balances are working to reign in Trump's weirder instincts, so I'm not too worried overall. The division of the country didn't start with him, and won't end with him. And that is ultimately more important to fix. That's why I say the Dems and Reps don't seem different to me. Both so invested in taking sides.

And for the record, rest assured I don't consider MC a nook of racism. :wink:
Sometimes it just comes down to where the greater threat is currently coming from. As of now, all indications imply that the greater threat is coming from the Right.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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But I thought we, including the person who started this thread, agreed that we wouldn't talk about politics so often on this website anymore.
My only defense to that statement is that when I started this thread, it wasn't so much meant to be a political thread as it was a rant about how much the country had regressed back into more closed-minded mentality over trivial things like BEAUTY AND THE BEAST making LeFou openly gay resulting in a boycott of all things Disney (again, much like J.K. Rowling outing Dumbledore resulted in Harry Potter booked being burned) . . . but, that unfortunately was pretty much a political topic in and of itself, which basically opened the floodgates for this becoming the new de facto Trump thread.

But let me say this: I have said this many times before - I don't like politics, I'm not usually a political person, and politics is something I usually try to avoid as much as I can (heck, I was something of a draft dodger last year, because local campaign offices were wanting me to go out and ring doorbells with them, and I'd make up excuses not to). BUT, with all of the shitaki mushrooms going on all around us as this so-called "Administration" grows, it's hard not to react to it: it's like Jamie has said time and time again, these issues that are growing to epic proportions are not something we can just turn blind eyes to in hopes that will make it all magically go away . . . I really do wish that was the case, I really wish the push of a button, the flick of a switch, or turning a blind eye would make all of this go away, but the fact is, it won't. And to paraphrase again, it's almost impossible not to react to the things like what happened this past weekend, especially when this is the exact opposite of what this country is supposed to represent. Jamie can say all of this better than I can, because he's a lot better at saying things eloquently and succiently, and also because he's among the many minorities these hate groups target . . . in fact, by some insane troll logic, I shouldn't even be complaining about anything at all simply because I'm white: some idiot just the other day assumed I was a Trump Supporter because I'm white, which is stupid.

To reitirate: I really would be all for less political discussions here, but as I said at least three times in this post, it's nearly impossible not to react to the $#!+ happening around us in this country that's supposed to represent unity, not division. I wish I could turn a blind eye to it and it would all go away, but as Jamie has said many times before, the only ones who can willfully turn a blind eye to all of this are those who are so disillusioned, disenchanted, and gullible enough to buy the B.S. a spineless Commander in Chief will put out there to get supporters. I mean, if any of you guys have any other ideas of how to ignore all of this, I'm game.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Look, guys, I know it's hard, but I'm generally proud of the way we've handled these discussions. And I like that there's multiple points of view, rather than an echo chamber.

In related news, Elizabeth Warren is going around saying the Dems need to move further to the left...Like I said, are they trying to lose? And do they seriously think their platform in the last election was even remotely centrist??? Look, Dems, you're right on some issues, but you know what, so are the Reps! We need both points of views, not one side trying to destroy the other. Get a clue. Because I don't want more Trump. And I will be blaming you if it happens again.
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Old Thunder

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2015
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Also, I just have to point out that Trump likes his own tweets from his "President" account. I just find that really pathetic and exactly something I'd expect from him. Like come on man, it's not like you're not going to get a ton of likes.
I mean, if he was retweeting them, that would be fine, because he wants more people to see it and stuff. But just liking them? I dunno...

Old Thunder

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2015
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Oh yeah, and here's something interesting: Most of the people who have posted in this thread (other than me and Jamie, correct me if I've missed you) are Christians, and yet the viewpoints shared here are often completely different, most notably between @D'Snowth and @MuppetsRule . I honestly think it's interesting how sometimes people with the same beliefs can have differing opinions, y'know?

IDK I'm still not making sense.