Thank you Kath for finally remembering about me! I am having a great day. And I knew you wouldn't forget to too. I went up to Boston for a few hours with the fam and went to an art museum that turned out to be this really old house that belonged to a woman who used to live there herself. The place was REALLY HOT though and me and my parents were all sweating inside there. But other than that, I really had a great time and it was a lot of fun for all of us. All of the paintings were really old and there weren't any modern ones to my surprise. I learned a lot of interesting facts including a theft that happened in early 1990 (27 years ago) and the paintings never got returned. 13 of them got stolen! Planning on going to another one, but later on this summer.
The sad news is that I never got much gifts, but pretty much the only huge gift I got was a brand new iPhone 7 yesterday. It cost a lot of money though and it would've been way cheaper on either eBay or Amazon. At the Verizon store, it cost almost 800 dollars. I got some phone calls from relatives and am having cake very soon and opening a card from my parents. Tomorrow in school, I will be getting more birthday cards including one from my favorite teacher and an aide, so the fun doesn't stop there!
Also had a nice birthday lunch at one of my favorite restaurants and the people who work there even sang a special birthday song for me as well. Had ice cream with a little candle on top for dessert.