The new What Made You Smile Today thread


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Apr 5, 2011
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We found out today that our application for a plot at a community garden was accepted! This summer, we'll finally have space to grow some bigger veggies - and of course, I'll plant some pumpkins! :eek:


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Aug 8, 2003
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Made my first eBay purchase in almost ten years.


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2013
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Getting something new really soon. Either an iPhone or a iPod Touch.


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Feb 13, 2015
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Went to watch my favorite football/soccer team Tottenham play today and We Won!! Sadly it will be my last ever time visiting our stadium before it is knocked down and our new one is built

Flaky Pudding

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2013
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My mom bought me 2 Robot Chicken DVDs from the book store out of generosity today. I'm absolutely looking forward to watching these because there's a lot of ones I've never seen on there and will probably have finished both DVDs by tomorrow night. I've always loved gross (borderline horror) dark humor almost my entire life. When I was little I absolutely loved Garbage Pail Kids, Happy Bunny, Bump in the Night, and AAAHH! Real Monsters. But nowadays my favorite shows are Robot Chicken, Happy Tree Friends, American Dad, and Family Guy. Anyway, the first DVD she got me is the legendary Season One featuring such classic, unforgettable and extremely quotable moments as William Shatner's Toupee Adventure, Enter the Fat One, Lettuce Head Kids, Who Poop Last? Grand Theft Mushroom Kingdom, Skeletor getting stuck in traffic and farting, Optimus Prime fighting prostate cancer, the Peanuts fighting off a pumpkin like monster, What a Twist, George W. Bush's love of tacos, Murder in Smurf Town, Senor Clean, and Voltron Got Served as well as some of the show's extremely crude skits that may put the writers in **** such as Hillary Duff as Anne Frank, the Lil Hitler ones, Seth Green's poor friend Meg Griffin, I mean, Douglas Goldstein getting turned into a Care Bear, and Jesus Christ going on a mission to kill the Easter Bunny;I like that character SO much better than the Family Guy Jesus, btw! He's actually pretty funny on that show like when we said
"My dad is always watching!" and everybody who didn't know who he was looked at him awkwardly. That's funny because it could've really happened. The only times I don't laugh are when they show him on the cross because while I know they are just joking: Personally, the image of that makes me sad rather than giggly. She also got me the hilarious Season 4 which included such awesome moments as the crude but gut busting funny Fraggle Rock parody, the introduction of the Barney-eqsue Petrolem Pete character, the drug induced Horton Hears a Who parody, The Nerd visiting the magical land of Oz, and The Dark Cristal rap number. While I don't consider them as classic, ridiculously crazy, quirky, and quotable as Season One, I still rank some of Season Four as the show's best. It still has that epic Robot Chicken brand of both witty and juvenile that only Seth Green could bring to life. While the newer seasons are centered more around sex jokes, wiener jokes, and toilet humor, they are still very clever and make me laugh at loud at times. I don't believe that Robot Chicken belongs on the same list with SpongeBob and Family Guy as commonly hated shows for being notorious in recent seasons. Those cute little pottymouthed dolls don't deserve it, LOL! Robot Chicken is one of the best shows on television nowadays and is the only show, in my opinion, that can compete with Happy Tree Friends in terms of making the right mix of cute, cuddly, bloody, and gross. Besides, I have to take a break from staring at Giggles and thinking,
"She's SO pretty!" every once in a while, right? LOL! No seriously though, I have a tendency to hug my fluffy pillow and pretend I'm hugging Giggles. I need to watch a different cuddly but also gory show sometimes and that is the perfect one (Family Guy and American Dad only occasionally do stuff like that;mostly in cutaways or in American Dad's case, TV show and movie gags) plus I also find bleeps, innuendos, and toilet humor funny (as the stuff on my YouTube channel certainly indicates). Speaking of which, here's my newest video showcasing all the f***d up insanity I create (some of these were actually inspired by nightmares I had. The Dino Riders sketch was inspired by a nightmare I had about the Racnar from EverQuest II eating my dog. I'm not kidding, in the least, ****!):
WARNING! Depictions of animated vomit and blood
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Flaky Pudding

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2013
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My mom bought me 2 Robot Chicken DVDs from the book store out of generosity today. I'm absolutely looking forward to watching these because there's a lot of ones I've never seen on there and will probably have finished both DVDs by tomorrow night. I've always loved gross (borderline horror) dark humor almost my entire life. When I was little I absolutely loved Garbage Pail Kids, Happy Bunny, Bump in the Night, and AAAHH! Real Monsters. But nowadays my favorite shows are Robot Chicken, Happy Tree Friends, American Dad, and Family Guy. Anyway, the first DVD she got me is the legendary Season One featuring such classic, unforgettable and extremely quotable moments as William Shatner's Toupee Adventure, Enter the Fat One, Lettuce Head Kids, Who Poop Last? Grand Theft Mushroom Kingdom, Skeletor getting stuck in traffic and farting, Optimus Prime fighting prostate cancer, the Peanuts fighting off a pumpkin like monster, What a Twist, George W. Bush's love of tacos, Murder in Smurf Town, Senor Clean, and Voltron Got Served as well as some of the show's extremely crude skits that may put the writers in **** such as Hillary Duff as Anne Frank, the Lil Hitler ones, Seth Green's poor friend Meg Griffin, I mean, Douglas Goldstein getting turned into a Care Bear, and Jesus Christ going on a mission to kill the Easter Bunny;I like that character SO much better than the Family Guy Jesus, btw! He's actually pretty funny on that show like when we said
"My dad is always watching!" and everybody who didn't know who he was looked at him awkwardly. That's funny because it could've really happened. The only times I don't laugh are when they show him on the cross because while I know they are just joking: Personally, the image of that makes me sad rather than giggly. She also got me the hilarious Season 4 which included such awesome moments as the crude but gut busting funny Fraggle Rock parody, the introduction of the Barney-eqsue Petrolem Pete character, the drug induced Horton Hears a Who parody, The Nerd visiting the magical land of Oz, and The Dark Cristal rap number. While I don't consider them as classic, ridiculously crazy, quirky, and quotable as Season One, I still rank some of Season Four as the show's best. It still has that epic Robot Chicken brand of both witty and juvenile that only Seth Green could bring to life. While the newer seasons are centered more around sex jokes, wiener jokes, and toilet humor, they are still very clever and make me laugh at loud at times. I don't believe that Robot Chicken belongs on the same list with SpongeBob and Family Guy as commonly hated shows for being notorious in recent seasons. Those cute little pottymouthed dolls don't deserve it, LOL! Robot Chicken is one of the best shows on television nowadays and is the only show, in my opinion, that can compete with Happy Tree Friends in terms of making the right mix of cute, cuddly, bloody, and gross. Besides, I have to take a break from staring at Giggles and thinking,
"She's SO pretty!" every once in a while, right? LOL! No seriously though, I have a tendency to hug my fluffy pillow and pretend I'm hugging Giggles. I need to watch a different cuddly but also gory show sometimes and that is the perfect one (Family Guy and American Dad only occasionally do stuff like that;mostly in cutaways or in American Dad's case, TV show and movie gags) plus I also find bleeps, innuendos, and toilet humor funny (as the stuff on my YouTube channel certainly indicates). Speaking of which, here's my newest video showcasing all the f***d up insanity I create (some of these were actually inspired by nightmares I had. The Dino Riders sketch was inspired by a nightmare I had about the Racnar from EverQuest II eating my dog. I'm not kidding, in the least, ****!):
WARNING! Depictions of animated vomit and blood
By the way, please don't get offended by anything on my channel. It's all in the name of comedy and I'm not trying to hurt anybody's feelings. Considering 1visualfxguy is a parody channel, I try to include everything that people like in my jokes so no fandom feels left out (even the most obscure shows from the 80s, 90s, and new millennium that have already been forgotten), so please don't get bothered if I joke about one of your childhood shows, movies, books, video games, songs, superheroes, etc. Remember:With 1visualfxguy's silly, edgy and immature style of humor, nothing is sacred and nobody is safe from the satirical finger of 1visualfxguy:not even my own dog is safe from parody. There's even been sketches where he's died like Old Yeller before. It would be sad if it happened in real life, but it's just a joke if it happens on 1visualfxguy. But if something or somebody exists no matter how obscure they will probably be shown cussing, making sexual jokes, dying, killing somebody, farting, vomiting, drinking alcohol, referencing or using drugs, breaking the fourth wall and addressing the flaws in their shows, or acting completely out of character (Sweet little Giggles as the lady from Kill Bill, the orange guy from Mary Lou's Flip Flop Shop as a murderous monster, Homer Simpson acting and talking like Peter Griffin, etc.) and if they haven't yet, give me time. I'm one of the few channels that parodies EVERYTHING including obscure shows so if you want to see forgotten childhood icons that only 2 people know about finally get spoofed:come on down to 1visualfxguy.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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My fiance's father bought us 10 pairs of Endlers (a specific breed of livebearers we both love - small, peaceful, pretty fish). We'll raise them & he gets some of the offspring. Very cool.

Found the perfect Easter gift for my sweetie & gave it to him today: a signed first edition of Patrick Rothfuss' The Adventures of the Princess & Mr Whiffle: the Thing Beneath the Bed -- in good condition and WAY below its typical asking price! Oh HAI bookstore, meet the bibliophile who used to evaluate rare books for a living...mwah hah hah!