I'm seeing an interesting change in tone in your posts from a few years ago. If you could send a message back ten years to your younger self, what would you say to you?
Oh man, I was such an immature brat back in those days, wasn't I? If I could send a message to myself ten years ago, I would probably say, "Dude, STFU already! You really are making an *** of yourself with your obsession with Kathy Greenwood!"
Not that I'm no longer a fan of hers, I do still love her and even relaunched her fansite last year, it's just at the time I didn't realize how much I acted like Donald Trump anytime anybody would criticize her (even though, in my defense, the criticism heaped on her seemed unnecessarily excessive).
What is your opinion on the Muppet select figures?
They're great and look amazing! Even though I'm certainly no crazy collector, I have no intentions of opening these.
Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon?
Or hey, maybe asked the grinning bobcat why he grins?
The last time I remember there being a blue corn moon was almost twenty years ago, and I don't recall hearing a wolf cry. As for the bobcat, we're not on speaking terms, so he never grins when I'm around.
Have you danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?
No, but I once frolicked in the backyard in blue moon light.