And America Continues to Show it's True Colors. . .


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I can't believe it . . . Trump finally did something that doesn't involve screwing over the American people: he's approving Mars exploration for NASA.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Alec Baldwin has already announced he will soon stop playing Trump on SNL - his reasoning is because he actually figured Trump would lighten up by this point, but he's only gotten worse and more aggressive as a result, and as such, Alec is saying there's no more fun to be had because of what a killjoy Trump is.

I guess I can see where he's coming from, but my main concern is that Trump's supporters will inevitably look at this and claim it as a victory for their side, and it will probably embolden them even further to attack and try to take down any form of entertainment they see as "pushing the liberal agenda."


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Alec Baldwin has already announced he will soon stop playing Trump on SNL - his reasoning is because he actually figured Trump would lighten up by this point, but he's only gotten worse and more aggressive as a result, and as such, Alec is saying there's no more fun to be had because of what a killjoy Trump is.

I guess I can see where he's coming from, but my main concern is that Trump's supporters will inevitably look at this and claim it as a victory for their side, and it will probably embolden them even further to attack and try to take down any form of entertainment they see as "pushing the liberal agenda."
You know I see a lot of anger and hatefullness in you regarding Trump and his supporters. Yet at the same time your always saying how we are to accept everyone. Would that not also include Trump and his supporters? You need to find some way in your heart to forgive Trump and his supporters, because they are slowly starting to rob you of your joy. You can not change what they say and do, but you can change how you react to it. Forgive them, and watch how slowly your joy will come back.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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You know I see a lot of anger and hatefullness in you regarding Trump and his supporters. Yet at the same time your always saying how we are to accept everyone. Would that not also include Trump and his supporters? You need to find some way in your heart to forgive Trump and his supporters, because they are slowly starting to rob you of your joy. You can not change what they say and do, but you can change how you react to it. Forgive them, and watch how slowly your joy will come back.
He's showing the blatant hypocrisy of Trump supporters. Anger, yes, but that's not hatefulness. That's just fact. As far as Trump goes, he and his policies have been openly hostile to the different minorities in America. I'm also still waiting for him to apologize to Senator McCain for saying he's not a war hero because he was captured. What a friggin lowlife Trump is to say something like that. Do you think Trump supporters would have let that slide if Bernie or Hillary would have said the same thing about McCain? The answer is a big, fat NO! Those are the things Snowth, all fair-minded people and I are thinking about. Accept that? Heck no. Trump behaves horrible and has proven himself, time and time again, to be a horrible person with no moral character. It's one thing to forgive someone - even if they don't ask for it. But it's not very smart to keep silent when Trump keeps doing this same crap over and over again. it has nothing to do with acceptance. It has nothing to do with partisanship either. It has to do with what is right. I don't understand why folk keep turning a blind eye to that.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I hope to God this is fake news, because if it isn't, we really, truly, and undeniable are completely screwed:

Supposedly, the GOP just approved of completely doing away with internet privacy, meaning, pretty much all of our internet activity can not only be monitored and tracked by our ISPs, but they can sell that information to third-parties - without our knowledge and/or consent.

Wouldn't that literally be like handing over all of our personal information on the internet (passwords, bank information, mobile numbers, things like that) to hackers and identity thieves on silver platters?


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2015
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I hope to God this is fake news, because if it isn't, we really, truly, and undeniable are completely screwed:

Supposedly, the GOP just approved of completely doing away with internet privacy, meaning, pretty much all of our internet activity can not only be monitored and tracked by our ISPs, but they can sell that information to third-parties - without our knowledge and/or consent.

Wouldn't that literally be like handing over all of our personal information on the internet (passwords, bank information, mobile numbers, things like that) to hackers and identity thieves on silver platters?
Oh God, it is true! UGH. I don't even know why this would be necessary. But there it is:
The GOP seems to want to get rid of basically everything that was set in place to protect us (and animals). This really super sucks. It's terrifying. I honestly think much of what they're doing is not to help the American people, it's for the people in governments' own personal gain, regardless of the long term effects. It's sick.

But, on the bright side, the vote to repeal ObamaCare has been delayed.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Oh God, it is true! UGH. I don't even know why this would be necessary. But there it is:
The GOP seems to want to get rid of basically everything that was set in place to protect us (and animals). This really super sucks. It's terrifying. I honestly think much of what they're doing is not to help the American people, it's for the people in governments' own personal gain, regardless of the long term effects. It's sick.
Yeah, isn't it funny how they're always ragging about our constitutional rights being infringed upon, and then they prove it by doing stupid stuff like this?
But, on the bright side, the vote to repeal ObamaCare has been delayed.
One day.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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Trump has the presidency, Ryan and McConnell have the senate, but none of them can get a healthcare bill passed! Hahahaha! As Trump would Tweet it (if this had happened under Obama's administration) HEALTHCARE FAIL! TOTAL LOSERS! SAD!

Trump's impotence as president is beginning to become a high profile issue. It's not the dems that are holding him back. His own party is turning on him because he's poor leader, a terrible president, a horrible person and an immature imbecile. How long will it take the rest of the country to notice? I mean, they didn't notice that their Make America Great Again hats were made in China. That's rather moronic. I guess it shouldn't be surprising, considering the rise of folk who literally believe the world is flat. This is the beginning of America's idiocracy. :stick_out_tongue:
