Back in October I fell, broke my ankle, so I've been out of work since. After using up all my vacation time/sick time/short term disability (I'm currently long term disability, but not permanent. I will be back to work sometime) I've been able to volunteer a lot at church.
This week is Vacation Bible School. It's open for pre-K up to 9th grade. I'm in charge of the 5th graders. There's only three boys, as compared to ten or more in the other grades. But man, these three boys are amazing. Smart, willing to help, don't cop an attitude, they pay attention, they make my job a lot easier.
One of my kids asked if he could volunteer next year to help out. Unfortunately, not until you're sixteen.
Then he turned to me and asked, "Will I ever be as cool as you?" (A ten year old thinks someone old enough to be his father is cool! Put a smile on my face a mile wide).
I told him, "Owen, you already are".
This has been a tremendous week so far. And it wouldn't have been possible if I was working.
You might have some crap going on in your life that you don't understand, doesn't seem fair, doesn't seem like it will ever end. But out of that you might be blessed with something you never expected, and wouldn't get without going through the crap first.