Uncle Grandpa


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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So Aunt Grandma came back and it was an event, like I thought it would be. Making a fake video of UG ragging on all his friends, with a hilarious nod to GRFT and Tiny Miracle being pretty obsequious in recent episodes with a later nod by Belly Bag about how his appearances have been shortened as well.

Meanwhile, UG is completely horrible at working a sandwich making job with delightful Ren and Stimpy-esque results. This was definitely worth the wait. Hopefully Aunt Grandma comes back one more time before they run out of episodes. They left one heck of a sequel hook.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2009
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So Aunt Grandma came back and it was an event, like I thought it would be. Making a fake video of UG ragging on all his friends, with a hilarious nod to GRFT and Tiny Miracle being pretty obsequious in recent episodes with a later nod by Belly Bag about how his appearances have been shortened as well.
That two-parter really showed how Aunt Grandma is willing to do some dirty things to get back at UG, what with those cyborg clones and all. I even love how the Aunt Grandma Industries logo looks just like CN's, making that passive-aggressive jab at the network all the more appropriate considering what's going down with the show's fate.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Really enjoy this episode. Loved getting to see Aunt Grandma make a come back. I loved how they do these shows now but I do miss getting to get two back to back shows in the 25-24 minute shows. That's what I grew up on but still enjoy how they make them 30 minute specials


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2009
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Anyone see "Memory Foam" yet? Here, Pizza Steve lost his memories from a new mattress, causing him to be a mild, less arrogant version of himself, which Mr. Gus enjoys. And when UG goes into the mattress to find his missing memories, he discovers the horrible truth that he was BS-ing all those awesome things he did.
Good thing the mattress sucked out UG's memories of this after restoring Steve's before he could give a stern scolding to him about his web of lies.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I really like how they managed to end it on a heartwarming note of Pizza Steve winking at Mr. Gus, as they bonded when his memories were gone.

Had to catch this morning's new episode on-line as I had to rush out to catch an earlier showing of Civil War. I really liked the Cosmos parody they got in, especially UG's line about how Mars, Saturn, and The Milky Way are not just "candy bars and failed car companies," and 'only one star is close enough to Earth to give us Two Scoops of Raisins.'

Also, I can't be the only one who feels that Weirdman is some sort of mix between Freakazoid and Deadpool.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Anyone else see that Apple and Onion thing that they ared before this with no announcement? I had to catch it online, but ...ehhh. It's superior to Pickle and Peanut by keeping purely in a more mundane sense rather than being all over the place. And hey Eugene Mirman. I actually laughed a few times, actually. It's okay, but I don't see it much as a series.

C to the J

Well-Known Member
May 30, 2014
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Drtooth said:
Anyone else see that Apple and Onion thing that they ared before this with no announcement? I had to catch it online, but ...ehhh. It's superior to Pickle and Peanut by keeping purely in a more mundane sense rather than being all over the place. And hey Eugene Mirman. I actually laughed a few times, actually. It's okay, but I don't see it much as a series.
I certainly did. It had anthropomorphic food beings set in a big city, and I have an interest in anthropomorphism, as you would see in the artwork I make in my spare time. Not only that, it had a decent story and a lesson that teaches us to be ourselves. And who could forget Kevin Michael Richardson as Beef Jerky? It's rather easy to make out a voice like that, but kind of tricky if one listens to some KMR voices that sound slightly different (e.g. Bing, one of the gorillas from The Penguins of Madagascar).

I wonder, how is it the US hasn't had an airing of The Lepre-Con yet? I found from the production codes that it was made after Back to the Library and before King Gus. I'd like to see how a leprechaun in a Pete Browngardt-drawn world would look.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Something tells me Lepre-Con (which I have seen through...obvious means) was meant to be aired in March when UG was originally supposed to have a "bomb" week of episodes but was pulled last minute for no reason. Unless they're going to wait all the way until next year to air it as a Holiday episode (which I hope they don't do, even though I've already seen it).

It's an alright episode, I guess. It has that wacky "Wasteland" style animation to it, only now UG's Mustache is extremely small and his head is really big. Very storyboard driven.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Well I had to do some catching up since I was out of town all of last week. I really did enjoy the "Memory Foam: episode with Pizza Steve losing his memory and having a touching end with Mr. Gus. Really sweet.
I didn't see the food short one. Which show did it air with?

I love weirdman. He's (may I say it) WEIRD! But really cool that everyone thinks he's in a way like Deadpool, Freakazoid and Plastic Man. I can see the resemblance there.