The thing is, kids don't like school. They have to go, they have to sit and pay attention, and that's how life is. That stuff gradually grows up with a child, and they still hate it. Heck, most people who are employed hate their jobs but do it because they have to. That's why they pay them.
Yeah, when I was a kid, any place I
had to go, I didn't enjoy it. School, church, the doctor, the dentist. . . . if I
had to go, I didn't like it, lol.
And when I was a kid, I always felt that they should had paid us to go to school, because the way I saw it, how was kids going to school any different from adults going to work? Adults have to get up at a time when most people want to be dead, kids have to get up at a time when most kids want to be dead; some adults use public transportation to commute to work, some kids use public transporation (school buses count as public transportation, right?) to commute to school; work is a crummy place where they lock you up with awful people for hours at a time; school is a place crummy place where they lock you up with rowdy kids for hours at a time; adults sit at desks and do paperwork as such when they go to work, kids sit at desks and do their lessons which is kind of like paperwork; adults get a lunchbreak at work, kids get a lunchbreak at school; adults have deadlines to meet, kids have deadlines to meet; adults have bosses they have to answer to, kids have teachers they have to answer to; adults have to meet dresscodes at work, kids have to meet dresscodes at school (though they must not be strictly enforced anymore, as I see school kids wearing things like tanktops, sleeveless dresses, short shorts, mini skirts, tights, and skinny jeans, stuff that was forbidden when I was in school); adults get paid for their work, kids get . . . and education for going to school? I mean, to my kid logic, it only seemed right that they paid us kids for going to school. If anything, they could have taught us the value of a dollar, and taught us how to manage our money for the real world, because y'know what? I'm an adult, I'm in my twenties, and I don't know half of the stuff that adults have to do with their money, like income tax and stuff like that.
But then again, it's like here in another couple of months, like always, they'll be talking about how they've calculated how much income women would make if they were paid for their duties as housewives and mothers and such, and every year it makes me say, "If you could calculate how much they would make, why can't you calculate a way for them to actually
get paid?"