Another Stupid movie to Overreact to...

Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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They all are indeed, but this seems to be a low-quality cgi movie combined with a video game movie.
Are we watching the same trailer cause that is in no way 'low quality' cgi. looks just like the games to me. Also you cant really judge the movie on cringeworthy jokes from the trailer's narrator.

Most video game movies are bad because the original writers/staff arent involved, and the people who make the movies dont even consult the game's developers. I'm not saying its going to be a masterpiece, I'm just saying you might be jumping the gun on calling it truly awful.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2014
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Are we watching the same trailer cause that is in no way 'low quality' cgi. looks just like the games to me. Also you cant really judge the movie on cringeworthy jokes from the trailer's narrator.

Most video game movies are bad because the original writers/staff arent involved, and the people who make the movies dont even consult the game's developers. I'm not saying its going to be a masterpiece, I'm just saying you might be jumping the gun on calling it truly awful.
I'm not really calling it truly awful, I'm just calling it below standard fare, bad. Also, I don't think the animation is bad either. Rainmaker is actually GOOD in the one thing they do, CGI animated movies.. I don't know if they do any tv shows except they used to. But, this isn't Pixar quality. And, if anyone is hoping for one, A "Sly Cooper" movie adaption will probably happen should Rachet and Clank do well. I'm being honest here: I have no idea what "Sly Cooper" is, and I know nothing about any of that game or franchise. Therefore, how will they pull that off?

Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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I'm still not sure I understand your point. Quite honestly I never found the writing in Ratchet and Clank to be all that spectacular anyway sooo...

Sly Cooper is a raccoon who's a thief that pretty much steals from other criminals. He's out to reclaim the pages from a book that was stolen from him that tells his family secret. Honestly I can see a Sly Cooper movie working better than Ratchet and Clank.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2014
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I'm still not sure I understand your point. Quite honestly I never found the writing in Ratchet and Clank to be all that spectacular anyway sooo...

Sly Cooper is a raccoon who's a thief that pretty much steals from other criminals. He's out to reclaim the pages from a book that was stolen from him that tells his family secret. Honestly I can see a Sly Cooper movie working better than Ratchet and Clank.
I agree about a Sly Cooper movie working better, but it will need to get interest through its own merit, as I presume the fanbase isn't as large as R and C.

And yeah, I'm not sure of my point completely either. I'm just thinking Rachet and Clank's success could lead to more video game adaptions, or none at all, or just Sly Cooper, depending on its box office returns.


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Apr 16, 2002
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Are we watching the same trailer cause that is in no way 'low quality' cgi. looks just like the games to me. Also you cant really judge the movie on cringeworthy jokes from the trailer's narrator.
I agree to that. I've seen other third party CGI films look far worse. It clearly doesn't have the budget a Dreamworks for Pixar film would have, but that's because they aren't quite as big. Obviously. I just hope the film opens wide enough for me to be able to find it without much difficulty. It's bound to get lost in the shuffle of bigger movies coming out the following week, but I would love to give this thing a go. Considering how many liberties the bigger budget, probably bigger released Angry Birds film took, this one look superior to that at least.

As for Sly Cooper, that's rumored to have a movie, but I don't know if anything's come out of it. Then again, Ratchet and Clank proved me wrong by actually getting made, so I guess anything can happen. Though, somehow I'd think a Sly Cooper (and for the matter, Ratchet and Clank) would make better cartoon series.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2014
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I agree to that. I've seen other third party CGI films look far worse. It clearly doesn't have the budget a Dreamworks for Pixar film would have, but that's because they aren't quite as big. Obviously. I just hope the film opens wide enough for me to be able to find it without much difficulty. It's bound to get lost in the shuffle of bigger movies coming out the following week, but I would love to give this thing a go. Considering how many liberties the bigger budget, probably bigger released Angry Birds film took, this one look superior to that at least.

As for Sly Cooper, that's rumored to have a movie, but I don't know if anything's come out of it. Then again, Ratchet and Clank proved me wrong by actually getting made, so I guess anything can happen. Though, somehow I'd think a Sly Cooper (and for the matter, Ratchet and Clank) would make better cartoon series.
Apparently, the Director of the Rachet and Clank movie, Kevin Munroe, or something like that, would also be the Director of the Sly Cooper movie. For there has been things on his Twitter and Instagram regarding the film. Now, the movie still could never be made, at least that's proof its past rumor stage, if only a little bit. I'm still probably not going to see Rachet and Clank and possibly Sly Cooper.
Also, is Sony going to have Angry Birds instead of a Sony Pictures Animation movie this year?


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Apr 16, 2002
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Actually... Kevin Munroe did direct that actually good fourth TMNT movie, so I have faith in that. I always found it to be the only one of the bunch to be almost as good as that first movie. Not quite, but still better than the pandering to cartoon fans and parental groups Secret of the Ooze film.

Also, is Sony going to have Angry Birds instead of a Sony Pictures Animation movie this year?
I believe that was Sony Animation. I keep hearing how Popeye's in very troubled production, and it was supposed to come out this year, but it won't be. I've lost a lot of faith in it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2014
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Actually... Kevin Munroe did direct that actually good fourth TMNT movie, so I have faith in that. I always found it to be the only one of the bunch to be almost as good as that first movie. Not quite, but still better than the pandering to cartoon fans and parental groups Secret of the Ooze film.

I believe that was Sony Animation. I keep hearing how Popeye's in very troubled production, and it was supposed to come out this year, but it won't be. I've lost a lot of faith in it.
That's funny, because I recall seeing something about Rovio, the Angry Birds Owner/creator, was financing a great deal of the film, and I would assume they wouldn't want no creative control over what is really their product. And if I were a decision maker at Rovio, I wouldn't let SPA make the movie based on our cash cow.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2012
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I believe that was Sony Animation. I keep hearing how Popeye's in very troubled production, and it was supposed to come out this year, but it won't be. I've lost a lot of faith in it.
Actually Rovio's (The company that owns Angry Birds) are producing the film mainly themselves. but I think Sony Pictures Imageworks is involved in someway though.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Sounds like they were contracted as an animation firm if I read that correctly.

I'm mixed about the film, I probably will see it if I have enough money. And the newer trailers at least show that it is indeed a movie about the Angry Birds and not a movie with birds that are more or less in a bad mood that just happen to vaguely resemble the game characters. I've warmed up to Sony Animation. I actually liked the Hotel Transylvania films and the second Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (which has a better story anyway). Still have no faith in Popeye since Gendy left the project. I'm worried about how that's going to turn out.