Now what's going on with YouTube?


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2009
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But now get this: we've all discussed copyright strikes before in this thread, but I read about something that is absolutely and truly scary: some guy recently got a copyright (more accurately, a trademark) strike for his entire channel - not just a video he uploaded, his entire channel got a strike; evidentally, the username of his channel just happens to coincidentally be the same as a Canadian media company, and the owner of said company filed the strike because he felt that person's channel was interfering with the search results for their content, thus doing damage to their brand. Can you believe that? I mean, copyright strikes on videos you upload are bad enough, but can you imagine getting a strike on your entire channel all because of your username?
I can certainly imagine channels matching corporations' names getting a strike, moreso possibly even deleted. This reminds me of Wikipedia's username policy - any accounts that are names of companies/organizations or promote them get blocked indefinitely. I guess with YouTube, if the channel got strikes instead of getting deleted, it'd at least give them a warning to change their name. Definitely not the case with Wikipedia...if it violates the policy, it's blocked.

Also, another thing I was just thinking about: what really is with all these videos of commercial songs with artist hashtags? You know, like when you see a channel such as "#Madonna" or "Madonna - Topic", and you see all or most of their songs with album art and the song info in the video? How did this all start happening?


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Also, another thing I was just thinking about: what really is with all these videos of commercial songs with artist hashtags? You know, like when you see a channel such as "#Madonna" or "Madonna - Topic", and you see all or most of their songs with album art and the song info in the video? How did this all start happening?
This has been around for quite a while, they recently implemented this new "trending" system, which I believe is a further attempt by Google to turn YouTube into more of a social media platform than a video sharing site. In this case, I think Madonna is trending on YT right now because she just exposed a seventeen-year-old girl's bare breasts at a concert in Australia . . . because, again, she's Madonna, Madonna can do stuff like because Madonna "makes mistakes."


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2009
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Actually, I was using Madonna as an example. This is occurring with many, many artists...not just big names like Madonna or Michael Jackson, but even less common names like Baltimora, Falco, Newcleus, etc.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2009
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Okay, I just had a "what the heck?" moment several minutes ago.

I just uploaded a video. While I was on the upload screen, I selected a different thumbnail than the default one, as well as added all the info and settings I want. Then I click "Finish" and go to the My Videos page, and the thumbnail I selected isn't there - it's the good ol' [...] image. I make the video private via the "Actions" drop-down button, then once it's done with the process, the selected thumbnail appears. Then, thinking everything's done and processed now, I make it public again the same way, only it shows the [...] image again! I dink around with the privacy a bit more, and then I suddenly get what looks like a beta version of a new My Videos page: the "Edit" button's gone, and the description and upload date are where the Edit button used to be. This is all happening when the video is Private. I switch the video back to Public, and the Edit button's there again, plus the thumbnail goes back to the lovely [...] pic!

It's all fine for me now though, since I just refreshed and now the correct thumbnail is there.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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That seems to happen more and more frequently whenever you upload a new video, so much so that in fact, I have to wait for quite a while after uploading to see if I want to change the thumbnail, because all three will be that [...] image, and it seems like you have to give it some time to clear up or something.


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Aug 8, 2003
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Apparently everyone on YT can post links in comments but me, and I don't understand it, because I've never posted anything malicious, suspicious, phishy, or anything . . . and yet, whenever I try to post a comment with a link to another video or a Google+ post, those comments are always automatically deleted. This really bites.


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Aug 8, 2003
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I cannot get people to understand that I'm not going to upload Sesame content anymore! I've explained this to people countless times, and I've even recent posted a video message practically pleading with people to stop asking me to upload Sesame content because I can't for a variety of different reasons . . . and it's like people still can't grasp that message! People still keep saying things like, "Well, maybe you can do it later, then?" Or, "How about posting on Dailymotion or Vimeo or something?" One guy even said, "It's okay, I can wait for you to post more again."

What part of I'm not uploading Sesame content anymore can people not understand? I've been nothing but patient and considerate with people regarding this matter, but I'm at my wits end with people not grasping the fact that I've said numerous times, loud and clear, that I won't be posting Sesame content anymore. I honestly don't know how much louder and clearer I can get the message across.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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So guess what I'm starting to get in my recommended now? Celebrities posting their own videos on YT telling us why we should endorse the presidential candidate they support. And I have absolutely not been watching a single politcal video at all, nor have I watched a celebrity's personal video since back in December when Danny Stern posted a video in-character as Marv from Home Alone begging Harry to come to his aid now that Kevin's on a murderous rampage - and that's long been cleaned out of my watch history.

EDIT: Oh, and Snoopavision seems to only be included in the new video player, which still isn't available if you're logged off (or when I'm logged into my GK account).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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More evidence that YT has pretty much retired tags: so many videos are no longer showing up in search results when searching for certain keywords.