I personally gave up giving a crap what fans of film franchises think when they actually defended Superman III to attack Man of Steel. Superman III is a terrible, indefensible movie who's plot makes a sub-standard Superfriends episode look like the best of the Batman the Animated series episodes. When you have a nostalgia based hatebone for something, at least attack it by putting it up against something good.
Seriously. I really hate Superman III. I mean, really hate it. It's one of the worst movies I've seen, and I've seen some awful stuff on syndicated weekend line ups.
Then there's the whole annoying bit about Tron vs. Tron Legacy, and it's like... you know the original film was famous for being a flop, right? The most popular thing to come out of that (other than references in cartoons 2000 and beyond) was Corey Burton basing Shockwave's voice on David Warner in that film. Same can't be said about the well received and screwed by the network Tron cartoon series. The cartoon series, once again, becomes the better sequel to the film than another film. Just like Ghostbusters and Men in Black.
Then again, Jurassic World seems to have been received better than the other Jurassic Park sequels, mainly because it managed to keep itself tongue in cheek and have a likable lead. And Mad Max Fury Road was met with thunderous applause.
Still, you wonder... Ghostbusters fans barely liked the second film. I like it myself, but feel the cartoon (until ABC had its way with it) better handled the characters and themes than the second one did. I liked the idea of them constantly being in business rather than falling on hard times after they defeated Gozer. And the more said about the Men in Black animated series, the better. They did time travel better than the (admittedly good) third movie, and the Agent Alpha plot from the cartoon really should have been a thing instead of what the second film was about.