Been awhile since I last posted, but I was so excited about the new show I wanted to share my thoughts.
I really hope Fozzie dating is something we see more of this season. I LOVE how they're finally doing something different with the character.
We need more Sam. This is the perfect job for him and I love his notes already.
Just seeing so many of the Muppets again was nice. Being able to see something new with them every week still feels too good to be true.
The adult humor was a little jarring at first, but in a GOOD way, to me at least. It was adult, but still something older kids could watch. I know not everyone likes it, but I think it's great that this isn't some kids show. I agree with those who think Jim Henson would've liked this.
I've always been a fan of the Kermit/Piggy relationship, but I think breaking them up for the show was a smart move. We all know they'll eventually get back together, but it makes better TV to have everyone wonder when that'll finally happen. The break up itself was handled well in my opinion. I assumed it'd just be some big loud fight, but the way it happened felt very real which made it much sadder than I thought it'd be. Piggy didn't even yell or anything after it happened, just stood there stunned and hurt.
Obviously, Kermit and Piggy were my favorite part of the show. It was nice to know that Piggy had a good reason for acting the way she did and she wasn't just being some super diva. The conversation the two had near the end was nice and I'm excited to see where they go from here.
For a first episode I thought they did a great job. I probably would've found it funnier if I hadn't seen that 10 minute pitch movie since they reused a lot of the jokes. But as long as the stories stay this interesting it doesn't matter to me how many laughs I get out of it.