I'd say the second one is the most likely of cases. Easier and cheaper, and making these things more disposable. Only thing I really like about these new WB produced DVD's are the fact they have older made for home video productions on them. I can see why they wouldn't release "season sets" of street stories, or volumes of the best street stories of any given season.Makes me wonder if the people in charge are really proud of those recent clips (which I find forgettable, for the most part), or if they're just taking clips from the same release (is that easier than picking clips?), or if they're picking these because they were already cleared for video releases.
From what I can gather this Count tribute DVD is lacking on being a Count tribute. These are clearly made for parents afraid their kids are going to screw up their computer to throw a DVD in and do laundry. Shame they can't make them collector's friendly either. Considering you can get most of whats on these things online, I guess there's little need for these to be well thought out.