Kermit and Miss Piggy Officially Split!


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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The response here is silly. Why are people taking this to heart?
Certain fans of anything feel they have a deep, personal ownership over the characters. And while I agree that marrying off Kermit and Piggy in the 80's was a nice closure to that character arc, I'm reminded of a Robotman and Monty comic strip (I don't feel like digging through the internet to find, but have it in a book). Monty and some woman of the month he was with were considering marriage, and Robotman replies:

"WAIT! Before you go on, ask yourselves this... Will your relationship suddenly become boring- like when L'il Abner married Daisy Mae or when Jeanie married Major Nelson?"

Monty's girlfriend responds, "How about Lucy and Ricky?"

Robotman adds, "Yeah, but remember when they had Little Ricky and moved to Connecticut?"

But I think that we need to take this for what it is. Something to get the general public that hasn't been following this series since its inception and announcement months ago. We knew Kermit and Piggy were split up way before this. If this gets people talking and that talk translates into ratings, then I see no issue with this.

And really, like...haven't Kermit and Piggy been split up and reunited like 2 or three times since the 90's?


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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We knew Kermit and Piggy were split up way before this.
Who is this "we"? :wink:

If this gets people talking and that talk translates into ratings, then I see no issue with this.
It would be interesting to see if this makes casual fans indignant enough to watch the show and see how it turns out.

Beth C

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2004
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Who is this "we"? :wink:

It would be interesting to see if this makes casual fans indignant enough to watch the show and see how it turns out.

Yeah who is this "we"? Not me!

Honestly, I know they are fictional characters but so are most any character we like on any TV show or movie. Actors portray characters in a believable way so that people can't help but like them and associate them with the character.

Muppets may be felt & buttons and whatnot but the people behind the puppets give them life, personality. No one believes that Star Wars/Star Treks is real, do they? How about Harry Potter? (just examples)

If you allow yourself to be entertained by the actors, let your imagination take over, then yes, the illusion they portray is real.

Ok enough babbling... I think you get my point. They are real to me and Kermit & Piggy have true love forever!


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Well if anything good has come of this at least it has brought Beth back to the forums! Welcome back!

I agree with everything you have said on this matter with the exception of not giving the show a chance.

Beth C

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2004
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Well if anything good has come of this at least it has brought Beth back to the forums! Welcome back!

I agree with everything you have said on this matter with the exception of not giving the show a chance.

Thank you, glad to be back. Ok I'll give the show a chance. I'm a Muppet lover, so you know I'm going to watch regardless. :wink: I may not agree with the format but it is all our lovable Muppets together again.

Nothing can beat that.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Thank you, glad to be back. Ok I'll give the show a chance. I'm a Muppet lover, so you know I'm going to watch regardless. :wink: I may not agree with the format but it is all our lovable Muppets together again.

Nothing can beat that.
My friend finally got me to watch the trailer thing. I'm honestly still going back and forth. Every now and then it was genuinely funny for me. And every now and then I shook my head in utter disagreement, lol. I just don't know.

Btw, love your signature, that was a pleasant flashback this morning! :smile:

Beth C

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2004
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My friend finally got me to watch the trailer thing. I'm honestly still going back and forth. Every now and then it was genuinely funny for me. And every now and then I shook my head in utter disagreement, lol. I just don't know.

Btw, love your signature, that was a pleasant flashback this morning! :smile:
I keep going back and forth too. I'm not crazy about reality shows in general - in fact I avoid them like the plague.

What is really funny - is I hear this new pig Kermit is "dating" is named Denise. When I got my mini-van last year, we ended up naming my van Denise. (there is a funny story behind that too, but I digress). Now when I hear Kermit and Denise I have this mental picture of Kermit chasing my minivan.

Yes, I love my signature too, it was one of the funniest lines and skits I can remember. Star Wars and the Muppets. Took that off my bucket list, also seeing Muppets on WWE. Now if we can just get Muppets on Star Trek my crossovers would be nearly complete. I also want Muppets on Big Bang Theory.. oh yeah that would be fun....

Back to the topic, I wonder who we can pair Piggy with to make Kermit jealous again. Hmmmm....


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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I wonder who we can pair Piggy with to make Kermit jealous again. Hmmmm....
Where is Charles Grodin when you need him? You know I heard a fairly recent podcast interview with him, and Nicky's still pining over Piggy, lol.