The news is really great, it really was given a zero percent chance of renewals on predictions, though ABC decided to take a chance, I hope it becomes a hit, and lasts long, really cool how it got renewed, just great, it could be paired with the muppets which would be even more nice.
By all means, Galavant could have had a different ending that closed everything off and lasted a one season self contained thing and it would have been just as good. Even 10 minutes of closing the show off could have ended it satisfactory. But they threw in that complication that would save themselves for a second season, which was a gambit that actually paid off, but could have very well ended on an unresolved cliffhanger. While I would like to see more of this show, I can only see it lasting one more season tops. Conceptually, especially.
We have a lot of TV threads, so this might not be the right place, but this is worth nothing. NBC renewed
Undateable, but
next year will be entirely live. When was the last time a scripted show was entirely live, not just for a gimmick episode here or there? I have my doubts about this gamble.
Okay. Am I the only one that got a flashback to that scene in A Bug's Life when the audience was leaving in droves after how bad the circus performance was and then P.T. Flea shouts "FLAMING DEATH" as a gimmick to get the crowd back? That's the best way I can explain it.
Somehow, this doesn't surprise me. NBC has had a nice little habit of screwing over shows that, despite having a small audience, do have a large and loyal cult following that unfortunately resides
outside of the Neilsen "Doesn't matter anymore" ratings families
yet renewing the crap out of shows
no one watches in an attempt to force people to like them... I guess? After waffling like freaking mad, they decided that Constantine wasn't getting the ratings they wanted (being a Friday Night Death Slot sure didn't help) and cancelled it
all the while letting fans on that it just might be if they crossed their fingers. Now, I don't watch this show, and I wouldn't unless Constantine were... well, Muppet web forum, do I really nyeed to fyeenish zat sentence,
hmmmm? But it sucks for the loyal fanbase that actually watched that show to hear, "Sorry, guys. But with a schedule full of sitcoms no one watches, reality show competitions that wore out their welcome long ago, Dateline Kattilsday, and The Slap (yeah, even we're shaking our heads on that one), there's no room in the schedule or room in the budget for something people actually watch. You know what they say, go small or go home."