Dwayne, this article was originally posted by a website called
the Daily Caller and is "satire". It's not true and is a very poor attempt at humor that people have ran with thinking it's real. I would recommend telling anyone on Facebook who is getting up in arms that it's fake.
Also, I really, really, really hate bad satire.
You know what they say, a little knowledge is a
dangerous thing, no more so than with the internet. Old, angry shut ins find these horrible attempts at humor, believe they're real, and start spreading misinformation to
other angry old jerks, and it goes from jokes that's worse than the worst thing Family Guy...no... Brickleberry has ever done to "Them Libruls are ruinatin' the country with their entitlements and gay stuff." Long rant short, if we had a
little less internet conspiracy fanatic crap, we'd be MUCH better off as a country.
Secondly... you know what really bugs the crap out of me about the anti-abortionists? The very same ones who whine about how evil abortion is are the
same ones that turn around and whine about how big welfare queens single mothers are. Which one is it? "Life is sacred" or "I'm not paying to care for your baby?" It disgusts me that
more thought goes into protecting the lives of the unborn than the lives of actual born children. As long as it comes out, it can die on the streets. We don't care. Yeah, that's
not Christian at all. Now, I'm not saying I'm for or against it, but I'm saying
if this is such a big freaking issue, do something positive about it! Let gay people adopt. Heck. Legalize "Juno-ing" and have a trusted couple that can't conceive directly adopt. Or at least make the adoption process less
insanely bureaucratic. Provide more opportunities to young people so they have a future to think about. You know that a lot of teen pregnancies happen because both parents know there's nothing for them outside of High School and force themselves into a family passive aggressively so they can at least stay together, forcing them to get the very same ultra-low paying jobs that lead to welfare dependency?
Nope. Just have a bunch of elderly white guys redefine rape so even in emergency cases we have draconian legislation that in the end helps no one. It's a lose/lose situation. Keep the poverty cycle flying out of spite and psuedo-religious smug superiority and fake nostalgic values instead of coming up with a happy medium that can solve both sides of the issue. Remember, Sharia Law is bad, but the exact same thing with the words "Family Values" and pseudo-Christianity tossed in is