The 80's Show was a special case in that its very existence doomed two shows. The other being the original That 70's Show, which now had to spend the last 2 years of the 70's on the last 4 seasons of the show, not letting the characters grow past that decade. They had more Christmases than the time frame allowed. They screwed themselves with the name before hand, but then again, I don't think they expected the show to be that much of a hit.I sometimes forget that The Goldbergs is set in the '80s, which is a good thing. That '80s Show, on the other hand, constantly reminded me and waved it in my face that it was set in the '80s.
That 80's Show suffered from putting the decade in front of the series, but it also suffered from having the characters as at the decade stereotypes. So no Hydes, Kelsos, or Erics. Timeless characters that just so happened to be in the 70's. Though I did like the first episode's stinging line to new age punks... the bit about "I was listening to (some punk band I forget specifically) when you were still into the Bay City Rollers." If only the rest of the show managed to be as good as that line.
Anyway, I noticed something that The Middle does better than everyone else. When their oldest kid went to college, they handled it quite well. The college is close enough to his parents that he can still drop in from time to time. And when he isn't, the show has a lot of scenes of him at school. Normally, this would mean losing a cast member (if one didn't already leave the show for that case), and then having them crawl back to the main show when they need the character back/the actor needs work. Even Modern Family had to give Haley some lame excuse to get the character back home.