Well I mean the Grinch
was a low life crook stealing toys and decorations (and even food!) from kids (not sure how underprivileged the Who's were meant to be). It's not inaccurate.
I mean it's cute for us the audience but it's still a really rotten thing to do. That's what makes the redemption story so effective.
The difference is this. In real life, crooks seldom care. The Grinch stole the Whos' material possessions because he was fed up with how annoying they were when they were happy, but brought it back because those things didn't matter. Now, those who steal Christmas decorations are trolls trying to get a reaction out of people on the news. They usually get caught, but no one televises it when they do.
But those who steal toys from charity are those who's motives are so unpure, they don't care who they hurt because it's more important to get the monetary value of the gifts on the black market. While anything else I could add would just be a moral discussion of why certain people turn to crime, all I can say is going after charity is
low. It's low on so many levels, the least of which is that there's so little of it out there to begin with. Even the toy companies would rather throw out their unsellable overstock than give it away (on the plus side, at least there aren't a bunch of sad, impoverished kids opening up Terminator Salvation toys. That's a big fat middle finger, right there). These guys are pretty shabby crooks to go after kids that are just as poor as they are over some amoral rich fop who
deserves it.
That said, call the trolls that steal holiday decorations Grinches. What we
should call those who steal toys for the needy I can't say on this family forum.