Just about. Honestly, in this day and age, what ISN'T racist anymore? Even I can think back to a time where you could use certain words at just about anybody, and nobody was like, "Dude, that's racist!". That, I can probably understand, okay, maybe...
Then, more recently, television had become racist, because shows had either all-white or all-black casts, which is why we have this unwritten rule/standard that all TV shows HAVE to include at least one ethnic character in the main cast... but somehow, it's okay for that one token ethnic character to act like a stereotype of its ethnicity? Yeah, whatever.
But this? This takes the cake (or, sandwich, in this case)!
Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are racist? Really? It's somehow racist for kids to eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches because their Hispanic classmates don't eat sandwiches? Really? By that logic, ALL sandwiches would be racist then, because this is a country where the sandwich is a staple in our food, but apparently other cultures don't eat sandwiches. I guess Germans are racist because they always eat bratwurst or other kinds of weinerschnitzel and other countries don't... oh, how about all those Asians and their rice? Shouldn't it be considered racist that they try to force Americans to eat it because they eat it with their meals instead of fries? Some cultures eat bugs! Some cultures eat each other! How is THAT not racist?
Okay, riddle me this... what IS with this obsession that people have in looking for things to make racist? WHY are we still obsessed with racism? This isn't helping us be better people, this is setting us centuries back! Look at Canada, they don't have any of these problems, and they're a very peaceful, friendly country, why can't we be like that? Why can't we just have harmony without looking for something to make racist? Oscarfan wears orange in his artwork a lot, orange is like the national color of Tennessee, he's not from Tennessee, he's racist! Sarge goes back and forth between being a ghost, and a demon, and a bat-like creature, among other things, she's both racist AND speciesist! MrsPepper and Muppet fan 123 say "sore-y" instead of "sorry", something about that HAS to be racist! beatnikchick's a vegan, surely THAT'S racist too! Gosh, I never realized how many of you guys here are so racist! You should be ashamed of yourselves!
See my point?
Then, more recently, television had become racist, because shows had either all-white or all-black casts, which is why we have this unwritten rule/standard that all TV shows HAVE to include at least one ethnic character in the main cast... but somehow, it's okay for that one token ethnic character to act like a stereotype of its ethnicity? Yeah, whatever.
But this? This takes the cake (or, sandwich, in this case)!
Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are racist? Really? It's somehow racist for kids to eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches because their Hispanic classmates don't eat sandwiches? Really? By that logic, ALL sandwiches would be racist then, because this is a country where the sandwich is a staple in our food, but apparently other cultures don't eat sandwiches. I guess Germans are racist because they always eat bratwurst or other kinds of weinerschnitzel and other countries don't... oh, how about all those Asians and their rice? Shouldn't it be considered racist that they try to force Americans to eat it because they eat it with their meals instead of fries? Some cultures eat bugs! Some cultures eat each other! How is THAT not racist?
Okay, riddle me this... what IS with this obsession that people have in looking for things to make racist? WHY are we still obsessed with racism? This isn't helping us be better people, this is setting us centuries back! Look at Canada, they don't have any of these problems, and they're a very peaceful, friendly country, why can't we be like that? Why can't we just have harmony without looking for something to make racist? Oscarfan wears orange in his artwork a lot, orange is like the national color of Tennessee, he's not from Tennessee, he's racist! Sarge goes back and forth between being a ghost, and a demon, and a bat-like creature, among other things, she's both racist AND speciesist! MrsPepper and Muppet fan 123 say "sore-y" instead of "sorry", something about that HAS to be racist! beatnikchick's a vegan, surely THAT'S racist too! Gosh, I never realized how many of you guys here are so racist! You should be ashamed of yourselves!
See my point?