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Batman Madness


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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It seems that social media has gone mad over the Batman casting for the new Superman follow-up and all subsequent DC-universe films.

We've seen this before with several castings, particularly for superhero films. But never with this swift level of almost ridiculous outrage. People are even petitioning the White House to step in. That is bat-s*** crazy!

I must admit that Ben Affleck wouldn't have even made my list of choices. He's a capable actor, but in kind of a bland, white bread way. Name one iconic scene in a Ben Affleck movie that stands out in your mind. Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, Christian Bale and Heath Ledger had these under their belts before being cast in their iconic roles. Henry Cavil lent a rather haunting performance to The Tudors. I knew he was headed for something back then. Even if you are able to accomplish this nearly impossible task of recalling a memorable Affleck moment, was it he that lent the gravitas to that scene? I don't think so and 75% of the web seems to agree. That's a remarkable number of people who consider Affleck to be an unremarkable actor.

He's been given several chances at franchise films, and even a superhero picture, and none of them have been very successful. However, his recent turn at directing has been amazing. Argo is pretty good. The Town was really amazing. I kind of wish he'd transition into directing only.

Affleck isn't the kind of choice Snyder or Nolan would make. This seems to be a studio decision directly from Warner Brothers. This seems to be their thank you for Argo. Does that mean there will be more of a corporate hand in these films? Will WB try to find an escape hatch if this outrage continues? Probably not.

I can live with this choice. It's not terrible casting. There are just so many better choices like Michael Fassbender, Karl Urban, Timothy Olyphant, Jon Hamm and even Tom Hardy. Whomever was selected was going to get flack. I just don't think anyone expected this much.

I'm giving Ben Affleck and this movie a chance. The Internet is going to whine no matter what. People here have complained about having yet another Batman film and superhero films in general. I reject those gripes. Like it or not, Batman is a very popular brand. He'll keep returning to films until they stop making money. Then they'll wait a while and do it all over again. Heck, Marvel released three different films containing three different Hulks within nine years.

I'm just glad they've sealed-off Nolan's Batman, they're skipping the origin story and they're going for a 40-something Bruce Wayne. Whomever plays Batman, I just hope this leads to future Batman films that don't have to be quite as heavy as Nolans'. Those were beautiful, but it's time for something else.

Anyway, that's my rambling two cents.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Personally, my main gripe is that we have to have a Batman/Superman film so soon. Superman really needs to hold up his own brand. I want to see Man of Steel 2 before the almighty crossover movie as a compromise for not doing a JLA movie right away. Batman is a strong brand, and frankly, he's my favorite DC character. Even over Plastic Man. But Superman needs a second movie alone before we start playing with the formula. I really, really liked MOS, but it was a film that was meant to build a franchise, create a universe, and establish Superman. MOS 2 needs to develop Superman's world further. Go back and give Jenny Olsen a sequence or two so we actually care about her getting in the way. Heck, let's establish Lex Luthor before Bats comes on the scene.

As for Affleck? I was skeptic at first, but it could work. I agree... the worst part is NO ONE wants anyone to play Batman. You can only have so much of Adam West, Kevin Conroy and Christian Bale. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought John Hamm. What I'd like to see is a virtual unknown, but that's not in the cards. Besides, the one Superhero movie Affleck did do, that was the studio's fault for it being unsatisfactory. it's a totally different movie if you get a director's cut, so I'm told.

But agreed. It's the internet and no one's going to be happy with any one.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2012
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Personally, my main gripe is that we have to have a Batman/Superman film so soon. Superman really needs to hold up his own brand. I want to see Man of Steel 2 before the almighty crossover movie as a compromise for not doing a JLA movie right away. Batman is a strong brand, and frankly, he's my favorite DC character. Even over Plastic Man. But Superman needs a second movie alone before we start playing with the formula. I really, really liked MOS, but it was a film that was meant to build a franchise, create a universe, and establish Superman. MOS 2 needs to develop Superman's world further. Go back and give Jenny Olsen a sequence or two so we actually care about her getting in the way. Heck, let's establish Lex Luthor before Bats comes on the scene.

As for Affleck? I was skeptic at first, but it could work. I agree... the worst part is NO ONE wants anyone to play Batman. You can only have so much of Adam West, Kevin Conroy and Christian Bale. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought John Hamm. What I'd like to see is a virtual unknown, but that's not in the cards. Besides, the one Superhero movie Affleck did do, that was the studio's fault for it being unsatisfactory. it's a totally different movie if you get a director's cut, so I'm told.

But agreed. It's the internet and no one's going to be happy with any one.
I agree. Snyder and Nolan reportedly wanted to give Supes the follow-up he deserves in order to solidify the character, but WB holds the purse strings and they wanted a way to build a larger franchise. The decision came from them. I believe the Affleck decision came from them too. It's such a boring, calculated choice. Besides, superheroes are supposed to be played by British actors, aren't they? (kidding) I actually think the selection was made even before mash-up the announcement at Comic-Con. This is technically supposed to be a Superman film with Batman in it, but Bats casts a rather large shadow for that to truly be the case. We'll see.

It's a little soon, but I would also like to see a different telling of Batman in his own solo films. No origin, overbearing social commentary or tie-in continuity needed. They could just be the best stories of Batman's famous battles. A sort of BTAS in the real world. A gritty yet fun Batman that we've never really had. Everyone seems to think that Batman should be like this or that. I just think Batman should be Batman.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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The WB execs just aren't very bright. At one point, they had someone who hated cartoons run their animation department.

If anything, they need to learn a lesson from Spider-Man 3. The original film was supposed to be about the Vulture and Sandman. The Execs turned it into a toy commercial by shoving Venom in there against the director's wishes, and the film came out poor. No wonder everyone involved priced themselves out of Spider-Man 4. They just didn't want to do it.

Then of course, the lesson from the first Wolverine movie... the one where they wanted to add Deadpool to spice the film up, and then got rid of him quickly because it was too spicy and overshadowed Wolverine. Yeah. They felt Wolverine needed to be spiced up, as long as he's his own spice. No wonder why the film came out bad.

I'm not adverse to the idea of a Batman or other DC character cameo, but WB should realize we need a second MOS film before we start playing with concepts. it's obvious they're trying to find a way around having to do a JLA movie at this point.

As for people sick of Superhero movies...

Other than the obvious follow the leader of Hollywood, we have the technology to make these things moderately believable. This isn't the Roger Corman Fantastic Four era anymore. Avengers made a butt ton of money, and obviously Disney/Marvel are only building on and adding to that with more and more "Phase" films. Pre-Disney Sale contract Marvel films (Fox and Sony) are working with franchise pictures so they don't lose the license anytime soon. And lastly, we also have DC comics... not to mention the stray indie comic super hero that may pop up. We have 5 of these films this year. Iron Man 3 and Thor 2 (Disney/Marvel), Wolverine (Contract/Fox), MOS (DC), and Kickbutt (indie). Not to mention 2 other comic book based films, 2 Guns and RIPD. I personally would count Smurfs 2, but the 80's cartoon is all that's known in this country.

Meanwhile, we get a horror film a month, and they all copy each other. No one complains about those. And we had at least 3 racing films... Planes, Turbo, and another Fast and Furious film... I don't know if you could count Monsters University, but it certainly had a competition in it. Heck! 2 films about Magic.

5 Superhero films doesn't sound too out of line. I mean, films usually go for the good vs evil motif anyway. Wizards, Pirates, Law enforcement... they're all pretty much that tried and true plot line.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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Heh, my friend asked me if I'd heard who was playing the new Batman. I hadn't yet, but I jokingly said "Ben Affleck?" knowing it was the one person who would royally **** off fans. You can imagine my disbelief at my friend's response, lol.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2011
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I think that all the anti-Ben Affleck sentiment will be beneficial in the long run to the movie; what is going to motivate someone more to give a great performance than hearing everyone trash him up and down. Ben Affleck's been the butt of jokes before with Gigli and come back with his recent directorial and acting efforts, so I think this could work.

Muppet fan 123

Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2011
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I'm also surprised by the choice of Ben Affleck, he would have never made my list of actors to play Batman. I thought it was a joke at first.

But honestly, I'm not going to comment on it until the movie actually is released. I just hope the story doesn't continue on from The Dark Knight Rises, since they already wrapped that up pretty well.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I think that all the anti-Ben Affleck sentiment will be beneficial in the long run to the movie; what is going to motivate someone more to give a great performance than hearing everyone trash him up and down. Ben Affleck's been the butt of jokes before with Gigli and come back with his recent directorial and acting efforts, so I think this could work.
I don't even blame Affleck for Gigli. That was the studio. Most everyone always forgets that studios ruin pictures more than the actors, even though actors do indeed ruin films from time to time.

According to TV Tropes (which I'm only mentioning because I needed to look up the specifics of the Wolverine/Deadpool example and found this anyway):

Gigli was originally intended to be a black comedy. Producers, however, made it into a Rom Com to cash in on J-Lo/Ben Affleck romance at the time. Seven Razzies ensued.
I'm sure it wouldn't have been a good film anyway, but not an offensively bad one.

But then again, look at how many stars get roped into terrible movies. Need I mention Movie 42? I'm sure the only one who's career will survive that is Seth MacFarline.

But back on topic. I'm far, far, FAR more annoyed by most of the casting choices for the new TMNT film than I am at a decent actor getting a role such as this. Well... except for Will Arnett as Vernon the newsjerk. THAT was actually brilliant casting right there. But not only are Shredder and Splinter going to be played by white guys (Shredder, as a cartoon character, was routinely voiced by African American VA's), the script goes out of their way to MAKE them white guys, erasing any and all Japanese cultural references from the script.

And the outrage rather goes to Affleck as Batman.:sigh:

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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My thoughts as a huge Bat-fan.

1 Agree with the sentiment "it's the internet, they'll whine no matter what".
2 People voicing gripes against Aflek being cast as the man beneath the cowl... Personally, I don't put any stock in that kind of talk, just sour grapes from people who are upset their renditions are being passed over like yesterday's news. Then again, Mayor West shut up awful quickly with the current release of the 60's Batman TV series action and mego figures.
3 The only scene I can recall from an Aflek movie is the bit where the janitor walks up to the chalkboard and solves the complicated equation in Goodwill Hunting... And even that's only because the bit gets used in highlight materials, I've never seen the film itself. And Aflek had nothing to do with that scene anyway.

What I do remember clearly Aflek being involved in are...
a. The South Park episode where Nurse Golem tries to help a pair of parents with butts for heads find their missing child, and
b. The version of The People In Your Neighborhood where he dresses up as a giant cheese at lunchtime, chased by the female mail carrier and male cable guy AM's.

4 With the addition of Aflek, we have a full dozen 12 of Bats within the franchise.
Adam West, Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney (whom we all want to forget), Christian Bail, and Ben Aflek in the movies.
Kevin Conroy (BTAS), Dee Bradley Baker (Brave & The Bold), plus the voice actors who performed Teri McGuiness (Batman Beyond) and Bruce/Batman in Young Justice, The Batman, and now Beware the Bat.

So that means we have just as many Batmen as there' have been timelord Doctors in the Dr. Who franchise and I don't hear anyone complaining about the latter.

5 Let's not forget that the entire Nolan trilogy "HAD" to be made to restore the Bat-franchise back to it's good credit standing after the debaclethat was Batman and Robin. The funny thing about that was a video of some guy bashing the Nolanverse trilogy in favor of extoling the praises of how Batman and Robin was perfection.

In short, I'm not really all that worried about the Aflek Batman casting given that everybody and their henchmother will want to bash the move with far-too cynical skepticism.
As for me, meh, if I like it I'll like it, and if not, then I'll just gloss over till the next project kind of how I'm invested in Beware the Bat and Arrow nowadays.

:batty: :batty: :batty:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I have to correct a few things here...

b. The version of The People In Your Neighborhood where he dresses up as a giant cheese at lunchtime, chased by the female mail carrier and male cable guy AM's.
You've confused Ben Affleck for Ben Stiller. Stiller was the one who did that people in the Neighborhood, not Affleck.

4 With the addition of Aflek, we have a full dozen 12 of Bats within the franchise.
Adam West, Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney (whom we all want to forget), Christian Bail, and Ben Aflek in the movies.
Kevin Conroy (BTAS), Dee Bradley Baker (Brave & The Bold), plus the voice actors who performed Teri McGuiness (Batman Beyond) and Bruce/Batman in Young Justice, The Batman, and now Beware the Bat.
Brave and the Bold's Batman was voiced by Deidrech Bader... Oswald from the Drew Carrey show. Dee Bradley was part of the cast, but never cast as Batman.