I wouldn't know if I want to root for your trailer... I got Turbo. Which is a worse film, it looks like, but it doesn't have Dane Cook in it, so it's at least better in that aspect. There's something about Turbo which I'll mention after this.
I just came back from it and it was freaking amazing. It was the best thing Pixar has done since Toy Story 3. Sure, I dug Cars 2, and I liked Brave despite the flaws and behind the scenes politics making the movie almost hypocritical. I mean, I am a little bit biased since MI is one of my favorite Pixar films and Mike is my favorite Pixar character... even more than Frozone, Dug the dog, and Buzz Lightyear.
So, Spoilers of course...
There's so much to gush about in the movie, but considering the Turbo trailer before it, the thing I guess I love most is the message. Instead of the plastic, inorganic "You can be anything in the world, even something that doesn't make any earthly sense, because you're super special" message they shove into kid's movies, this one had a very bittersweet, realistic, but not at all negative in tone one. That moral is, you may think you're going to become something greater in life. You can try as hard as you might, and want it a million times more than anyone else, and even then you might not make it. You might even fail at it. But you can surprise yourself and be great at something else, sometimes something similar. But you have to work very hard at it.
Oscarfan's friend is right. Mike and Sully are arrogant. But they earned it. Pixar successfully subverted the lamest college movie cliche there is. The Underdogs don't actually win. Mike and Sully got kicked out of college at the end. I didn't see that coming at all. They get work at Monsters Inc at the lowest levels possible and work their way up. The film really surprised me there. Of course, being a prequel, you kinda know things are going to turn out alright anyway.
Now, there were things that I kinda wish were in the film. They're not exactly disappointments at all. That's too strong a word. But I kinda wish they did more with Randal. I kinda pictured him being the victim of severe bullying somehow, and that his student project would have been that scream extractor thing from the first movie. But that's what you get for piecing things together through small amounts of information. Other than that, seems some more prime Randal stuff could've been cut.
Also, I kinda wish Fungus was in it, but that's not make or break at all. However, I did hear that Kelsey Grammar was going to play Watternoose. I guess they cut his role out of the movie before that. It really didn't need him anyway. He did have a cameo as a picture, though. I was far more disappointed by Zurg not having much of a role in TS3.
Overall, a great film. MI can stand alone, definitely, but Pixar made a prequel that's actually quite good (a feat in and of itself). And that Carrie sequence? Brilliant. A very brilliant turn around on that one.