Now what's going on with YouTube?


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I think they've kind of been doing that for a while now... I remember a couple of years ago, I found a great Let's Play of the original LOZ or NES, but then when I went to watch it again maybe a few months or so later, each installment of the Let's Play (and I think there was 11 part) had commercials on them.

Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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Still, you should be using adblock. Most adblock programs block youtube commercials and ads. Yes, there ARE adblock programs for internet explorer, despite what everyone says. You just need to hunt for a good one


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I don't understand why we even needed a Wii U. Nintendo's problem is that it's too innovative. A second screen is a sounds like a good idea at the time and when the 3DS was in development, everyone didn't hate 3D yet. Personally I love how Sony laughed so much at the Wii the first time that they basically stole the idea and they failed at it.

X-Box and Playstation basically kick Nintendo's butt with the same games over and over with better graphics. All Nintendo needs to do is just make a plain system that's more powerful. No more innovations.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Still, you should be using adblock. Most adblock programs block youtube commercials and ads. Yes, there ARE adblock programs for internet explorer, despite what everyone says. You just need to hunt for a good one
I've been using AdFender ever since you told me about it, my point was that this thing with Nintendo and ads on Let's Play's and such may have been going on longer than we may think.

Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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Did you her about the next xbox having a projector so that the picture is on the tv and projected on your wall so its one huge picture? Sheesh...

ALL of the companies need to stop innovating and just make systems that play games. ALL companies are guilty. But Sony and Microsoft also sell other products and could possibly recover if a system tanked. Nintendo only has gaming systems to keep afloat, which is why a failure of a system is so dangerous to them.

Although, being a gamer, I think you are a tad mixed up. Nintendo is the one making the same games over and over. The only 3DS games that are worth buying that aren't shovelware are remakes of classic games. The only thing worth buying on the Wii U is New Super Mario Bros U.

Yeah, SOny and Microsoft pump out a lot of war games that no matter how you slice it are carbon copies of one another, but at least they are different brands. All Nintendo has going for it are Mario, Kirby, and Zelda.

Fanboys whine and cry about how there aren't any mature games on the wii, but they complain when there ISN'T an over saturation of mario games and praise remakes when Nintendo should be working on NEW games. Not the same thing in a pretty new package.


Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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I've been using AdFender ever since you told me about it, my point was that this thing with Nintendo and ads on Let's Play's and such may have been going on longer than we may think.
I meant mr3urious, not you. You ziffeled me :stick_out_tongue:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Yeah, Nintendo keeps using the same brands over and over, but I keep seeing the same war simulators from the other brands. All under different names. That's the problem... you do something the same, they go after you for not being innovative, you try to be innovative, they get you for doing something new and not rewarding a loyal fan base that thinks they're entitled to it.

I'm sure that somewhere, somehow, there's going to be a new video game that doesn't fit into any of those genres. And it's going to fail for being new. They may say different, but they really just want the same stuff over and over with a tiny twist. And then they'll whine about the twist either not being sufficient enough or too different.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2009
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Yeah, Nintendo keeps using the same brands over and over, but I keep seeing the same war simulators from the other brands. All under different names. That's the problem... you do something the same, they go after you for not being innovative, you try to be innovative, they get you for doing something new and not rewarding a loyal fan base that thinks they're entitled to it.
Same crap that's going on with certain cartoon fans. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Actually, here's my current beef, not necessarily with YouTube, but just with Google in general:

Like, every other day, when you're browsing through Google (search, images, videos, etc.), while looking at the sites, or images, or videos, or whatever, you can't just simply go back to the results you were just looking at, it just automatically takes you back to the page you were just currently on, so you have to open up the drop-down menu of the last ten pages you were looking at, and select the results you were previously on just to go back.