Like I said before, the problem here is that this wasn't a marriage. It was an open arrangement of which either of them could have left at any time, and it's just strange that Roscoe decided to leave that late in the game. Had it been a proper marriage and they divorced, the situation would be much different, barring the potential of a prenup, the wife could have at least got something when Roscoe left. The fact that the woman in the case agreed to an open no commitment relationship shows there was a lack of trust to begin with.
On the one hand, leaving this woman after that many with out money is a D&&&ish move. On the other hand, he could have left at any time, leaving her with no money anyway. That was a strong possibility all along, and she didn't even come up with a back up plan or some sort of arrangement when it happened. As nasty as it sounds, I agree that she was far too dependent on Roscoe's celebrity. Sure, she raised kids, but they're probably grown up by now.