TV Alert: The Muppets on "Good Luck Charlie" Season 4 premiere April 28, 2013

Muppet fan 123

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Jun 16, 2011
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Actually, here is one of the places you'll find the least hate for things.
We're all die-hard Muppet fans! But that doesn't mean we have to like every Muppet production ever made. I have a lot of my own complaints.

Like I said in an above post..I'm really not the guy to ask if this was a good appearance or not. I'm a little out of the age that DC is reaching for, but those tween-sitcoms have always annoyed me for some reason, but I know that the kids in my school are big GLC fans, I think I'll wait until they give their thoughts on the episode.

From a personal Muppet fan perspective: I didn't like the appearance all that much. Sure, the song is catchy, but everything else, just doesn't fit. (When will Piggy ever ask if they prefer 'Frog or Pig?'. It's out of character for her to ask something that's against her beloved Kermie.)

From a GLC perspective: It was a good episode, it added some great comedy, and a nice new song to go along with it. The Muppets definetley added to the episode a lot. :smile:


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Dec 28, 2010
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How about we just drop the subject, and continue to review the show like we were doing before? :smile:
I personally think Disney is doing a great job handling the Muppets. You have to admit, they did get MWoOZ out almost a year after buying them. (Even though it wasn't the Muppets' best production in my opinion, they still got it out there) Yes, it took a little while, but then we got Letters to Santa, and now they are back in the spotlight once again. People can say whatever they want about Disney, but I think they are doing the Muppets good. :fanatic:
I liked this episode, it was very fun. Living in a family with small brothers, we tend to watch shows like these a lot. Good Luck Charlie is my favorite sitcom on Disney right now, and I think this was the perfect show for the Muppets to appear on. The length of their appearance could have been a tad longer, but then remember, this episode wasn't about them. The ending was funny, although I think Piggy was a little too aggressive. But, hey, she's always been that way. :wink:
I hope more appearances like these occur in the future, if not a show just for The Muppets themselves.


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Apr 16, 2002
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You have to admit, they did get MWoOZ out almost a year after buying them. (Even though it wasn't the Muppets' best production in my opinion, they still got it out there)
MWOZ was in production well before the buyout. If anything, Disney's buy out rushed it or something to get it out to show what they planned to do with the characters.


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Dec 28, 2010
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Ohh... I never knew that. :embarrassed: Ok, well, maybe the first couple of years they didn't do much, but they still are doing a good job with them now at least.


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Sep 8, 2003
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as a parent with kids ranging from 13 to 2 it can be very hard to find something on tv that everyone will sit down and watch together as a family. My only real problem with GLC is that they make the dad to kind of be a dumb loser with no say of what goes on in his own home. The mom walks all over him, and as a dad and husband I hate that. if you compared GLC to something like "home Improvement" or Boy Meets World" or any of the 90's family sitcoms, the role of dad has lost it's value.
All of that is beside the point, this should not really be about the show, or Disney Channel it should be about the Muppets.


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Jan 2, 2011
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I haven't seen the ep yet will have to find it on youtube or when it comes on in the uk


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Ohh... I never knew that. :embarrassed: Ok, well, maybe the first couple of years they didn't do much, but they still are doing a good job with them now at least.
MWoZ particularly sticks in my craw because I remember that glorious period post VMX (it was a ratings smash, lest we forget) when Henson was hungering for another Telefilm project. They had been flooded with better and stronger concepts, and were seriously considering any of them. Then, somehow they pulled Wizard of Oz out of something, and once it went into production, Disney bought it. Clearly it was intended to air on Fox if it didn't. Why else do you think the plot centers on an ersatz American Idol? Somehow, that tanked, due to the stupid night they decided to put it on (VMX had the luck of being broadcast the day after Thanksgiving, just when everyone was coming home shopping), and somehow, this big project Disney had probably no involvement in that they took upon themselves to be the project to launch the franchise on flopped, and every plan they had was quietly shoved into a closet... and guess what for? Said sitcoms that are getting hate.

Things have gotten much better, though.

My only real problem with GLC is that they make the dad to kind of be a dumb loser with no say of what goes on in his own home. The mom walks all over him, and as a dad and husband I hate that. if you compared GLC to something like "home Improvement" or Boy Meets World" or any of the 90's family sitcoms, the role of dad has lost it's value.
Part of the problem lies in the fact that everyone wants to make their own Homer Simpson. Not to mention the fact that you give any negative attributes to anything that isn't a guy, you'll get a flurry of letters from overly offended groups. But it's more likely everyone just wants to rip Homer off.

Sgt Floyd

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Feb 5, 2006
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The dad in GLC isn't nearly as bad as some shows. The dad and mom in dg with a blog are absolute lunatics that you want off the screen as fast as possible...then again, you kinda want the show off the screen as fast as possible. As much as I try to defend Disney, I cannot defend Dog with a Blog. That show is just an all time low with no redeeming qualities. And I thought Jessie was bad....but I digress...


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Apr 16, 2002
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Dog with a Blog, just the show getting greenlit, is proof Hollywood doesn't know what the heck computers are or what the internet is.

Still, the Dopey Dad is a trope. You rarely do see stupid mothers (though Timmy's Mom is only that much smarter than Timmy's Dad in FOP, and Peggy Hill is pretty oblivious and much goofier than Hank), but that's because more people will relate to a goofy dad than a strict one. Usually when there's a strict dad, he's either a complete jerk or abusive. Red Foreman is the funnier version of that (considering the same actor's character in Dead Poets Society...made it very hard to watch either after that), but that's in the minority.