"Unpolitically" is NOT a word! There actually is a grammatically correct term for describing something that isn't politically correct: "Politically Incorrect"... why is it so hard for people to say that?
I hate the term politically correct
completely. Here's why.
It tends to mean one of two things. The understandable everything being anal retentive and completely stuck with its head up its butt "let's not offend everyone and clumsily incorporate everyone to the point where it's actually
more offensive." Not to mention, let's dumb everything down and make everything safe and healthy for the dumbest common duh-nominator... and for just a touch of ego. And then the dark, seedy, completely perfectly not racist, racist reason. Of note "Y no black face in cartoons no more?"
Guess which one bigots claim to spread the message of the other? The innocent one. We need a NEW term to separate annoying examples of overzealous censorship (like that whole "Holiday Tree" garbage, not to mention refusing to put cartoon characters on cereal and candy, and everything else that falls into the umbrella) from the "HEY! Let's use racial slurs to hurt people because our lives suck
just that much, and I can't stand someone being happy that isn't me" mind blowing bigotry.
I propose Anal Retentively correct.
REAL Political correctness isn't a bad thing.