Seth was OK. And we'll leave it at that. I'll just say I enjoyed Billy Crystal a billion times more.
Being the Oscar Host is like being president. I have NO idea why any sane, rational minded person would work to get such an honor since all it leads to is hate, overly critical criticism, and unfair comparisons. Seth was just above average for me (considering the hand he had in the musical comeback). Certainly not as bad as James Franco or David Letterman. And those guys are great outside the Oscars. I'm hearing criticism from "genius" entertainment types that didn't realize the Boobs number WAS supposed to be an over the top joke and a heaping helping of self satire as everyone pretty much figured out the guy with the offensive cartoons WOULD be the most offensive host. Though the brutally honest, bitingly satirical portrayal of Flight was genius. Family Guy cut scene-ish, yes... but probably the highlight of the night. Half the opening WAS jokes about how bad he was going to be. What the heck did anyone expect?
If anything, I think Seth was
too safe! The most offensive jokes were the Chris Brown and Rhianna one and the one about Mel Gibson? Chris deserves every shred of ridicule he gets for what he did, and Rhianna deserves it too for
going back to someone who beat her up in the first place. And Mel Gibson is a non-person in Hollywood. he was able to recover from the "All Jews are responsible for all the world's wars" comment, but the racist phone messages killed his career. Why
not mock that? And seriously, coming from a show that's so over the top in trying to be offensive that they play rape off as a joke... that's nothing.
But as I always say, no one likes anyone to host the Oscars. Old standbys like Billy Christal are are too old and tired, new fresh faces are chided for trying to play up the youngsters and leaving old timers out. Such and such is TOOO offensive! EEEW! Now the comedy's too
safe and bland! This chair's too hard. This chairs too soft. It's like Goldilocks of the Ma and Pa bear were dual income no kids. Nothing's perfect enough.
Then again, I love Billy, even though I think we were robbed of Eddie Murphy's Oscar Hostingdue to unfortunate events... and he barely saved last years stodgy, dull, flavorless Oscars Express. This Oscars, like it or not, brought back the old school feeling they long since dumped because something or other wasn't Green or P.C. enough. The lack of musical performances last year was inexcusable. I could go on about the slipshod nomination process for original song last year as well, but the Muppets won an Oscar because of it.
BRAVE did not deserve that Oscar! They should give it back!
Out of all the nominated films, it was by far the worst. They should've given it to one of the stop-motion films, if not Frankenweenie. Those films really deserve it more than the others.
I still think they just gave it becuase it's Pixar. There is no other explanation why an entire panel of judges would like that one the most out of the other great films there were this year.
I don't think Brave deserves the hate and the hype it gets. Brave got the award because it was partially directed by a woman... the first Pixar film to do so. it left something to be desired, sure... but then again, credit where credit is due, it successfully subverted and averted
every sad little Princess movie stereotype and trope Disney shoved into their films. You know, the ones we loved in The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast, but hated in all other subsequent films that Disney gets flack for not doing? Unfortunately, said tropes where why those two movies were hits... but Brave does had a strong female audience of teen and 2o year old girls that grew up to feel ambivalent about their favorite movies as little girls. The fact that Mereada ends up with no sexy prince Ken Doll at the end of the movie earns my respect. Still... out of the other films, it was kinda the weakest. Paranorman should have won for it's overall technical prowess and strong storyline. If they were going to give it to a legacy, they should've at least given it to Aardman for Pirates.