Involving books...
What's the deal with Arthur? The first Arthur book, "Arthur's Nose", is about Arthur wanting to change his nose because it's so big and everybody teases him about it. But then after a few books it's no longer big. The big-ness of his nose does get something to do in "Arthurs Eyes", as his nose gets in the way when he tries looking closer at the text of his books. I feel Arthur's Eyes should have come first (and I recently learned that that was adapted into the first episode of the series) and then the "Nose" book second, as it's the only one where he doesn't have glasses.
And the Berestain Bears books, what's the deal with Mama Bear in all the ones where she gets the family to stop their bad habits ("Berestain Bears and Too Much TV", "Berestain Bears Forget Their Manners", "Berestain Bears and Too Much Junk Food")? It seems she's perfect in these regards while the rest of the family isn't (especially Papa, who in each books tries at least once to sneakily go back to his old habits). In "Forget Their Manners" they should have had Mama accidentaly forget her manners at some point, showing that even those who choose to be polite can occasionally be rude.