Products and Cards
Fraggle Collectibles

Art of the Muppets Postcard (1983)
are a reoccurring theme in Fraggle Rock so it's expected that a few Fraggle
Rock postcards are going to exist somewhere. It is not certain but this
particular card must have been given out or sold during an "Art of
the Muppets Exhibit" or promotion of some sort. There is no bar code
on it so it may have been a free item.
The front
of the card has one of the nicer group shots of the Fraggle Five. The
back side only has the Henson copyright information and the words (in
a logo format) "The Art of the Muppets". This card actually
came from a crew member that worked on the set of the original show, Al
Wyle. It is not certain if it was just a gift to cast members or a left
over from something else.

Rock Postcard (1983, UK)
Unknown - Fill out our help form
is very little known about this particular Fraggle Rock postcard. The
front sports the common group shot of the five Fraggles. The back has
a blue line drawing of Uncle Traveling Matt printed under the address
guidelines. This card came from the United Kingdom but it is uncertain
if it was available in the United States or elsewhere. It does not have
a UPC bar code either so it could have been a promotional item.

Rock Party Stickers (1983)
Since this
set of stickers is of a party theme it appears that it was to go along
with Hallmark's assortment of Fraggle Rock party
supplies. This set also appears to have been illustrated by the same
artist Hallmark used on the party supplies.
get a sticker of each of the five Fraggles (the logo is attached to the
Gobo sticker in this set) and four Doozer stickers. There are four sheets
per package.

Rock Stationary & Seals (1984)
Hallmark Fraggle Rock stationary set consisted of 4 items:
- 20 sheets
of decorated stationary paper, which is painted in playful pastel colors
with the five Fraggles with their instruments towards the bottom of
each sheet
- 10 violet
envelopes with no graphics at all
- 10 stickers
or seals which feature Gobo, Red, Boober and two different Doozers
- A cardboard
folder to keep these items together
The artwork
appears to have been done by the same artist that did Hallmark's Fraggle
Rock birthday party supplies.

Rock Postalettes (1984)
Fraggle Rock Hallmark postalettes set featured an illustration of three
working Doozers on the front, which appear to be done by the artist that
did the graphic for the stationary set and possible the birthday party
favors and supplies.
This set
comes in a small half box with 12 fold-up letters and 12 matching seals.
The seals feature a Doozer with a broom. This package hasn't been opened
so it's possible that there is something going on inside of the letter
card as well. It's a secret for now.

Rock Sticker Sheets (1984)
made a few sets of Fraggle Rock stickers back in the Fraggles' heyday
in their Ambassador Stickers line. Around the same time the the Fraggle
Rock stationary was released a sheet of stickers came out as well.
From the
looks of it, it appears to be by the same artist as the stationary as
well, which could also mean that it's the same artist that did the birthday
party supplies too. This set features 4 sheets of a full color scene which,
could be left alone as one giant illustration or separated into the 10
stickers. In this set you get one of each of the Fraggle Five, the Fraggle
Rock logo and four different Doozer stickers. This set was made back in
the early 80's when sticker collections were a fad with many kids.

Rock Valentines (1984)
package of Hallmark Valentine cards include 6 different card designs.
Most of the characters were represented on the cards in some way, however,
Sprocket was left out. It would have made perfect sense that they had
a card with Gobo leaving a Valentine for Sprocket or something of that
nature in his trips to Outer Space to fetch Traveling Matt's post cards.
Instead, Gobo was paired up with Boober, Mokey was with the Trash Heap,
and Wembley was running from Junior Gorg. The Doozers had a card and Red
and Traveling Matt each appeared on their own separate card.
with most Valentine cards, Valentine wishes are printed on the back side.
The US versions came with 36 cards but the Canadian versions only had
30. Each card measures 2 3/4 inches by 4 inches. Also
interesting is that the Canadian Valentine card box had a cardboard lid
whereas the US box was just a tray wrapped in printed packaging. The graphics
on the plastic coverings are particularly horrid to look at.

Rock Puffy Vinyl Stickers (1984)
Three different
styles of Fraggle Rock puffy stickers were produced by Diamond Toymakers
that were to be placed with a sticker book titled "Traveling Matt's
Guide To Fraggle Rock Sticker Book".
Each separate
package of stickers includes information on the back as to which pages
in the sticker book the style goes to. Also, each set has a title. Style
2 is referred to as the "Doozer Chart and The Swimming Hole"
which explains the particular images in this set.

Rock Easter Stickers (1985)
Fraggle's celebrate Easter? According to this set of stickers from Hallmark
Cards they may have attempted it. It's a strange concept but a beautifully
illustrated set of Fraggle Rock stickers.
They depict
the five Fraggles and some Doozers hunting or admiring Easter eggs. Gobo
seems to have mastered the art of juggling after all (either that or he's
using the force to cause his 4 eggs to hover about him). Boober seems
to have found a fine specimen of an egg (perhaps to stash in the old Hidey
Hole) and Mokey appears to be ready to eat her flowers. Despite the silliness,
these stickers are really fun to look at and own. The artwork looks to
be from the same artist that illustrated the Hallmark
Fraggle Rock Christmas ornament. This set includes four sheets of
12 stickers.

Rock Color-Me Stickers (1985)
Toymakers' Color-Me series of stickers were a set of puffy stickers, in
this case featuring Fraggle Rock. Their gimmick not only was the fact
that each set of stickers came with crayons to color then as inaccurately
as you wanted, but also the special crayons were chocolate scented! It
all makes sense on some grand scale in the cosmos somewhere but wouldn't
it have been more appropriate if the crayons were radish scented? These
are the Fraggles, not Keebler Elves.
This package
says that it is style 1 so that hints that there is at least one more
set of delicious smelling Fraggle Rock stickers to collect and have with
your dessert. This set is interesting as it actually has a sticker featuring
Ma and Pa Gorg, no Junior though.

Matt Valentines Card (1986)
few years after the release of the Fraggle Rock class room Valentines
cards a single card featuring Uncle Traveling Matt was issued by Hallmark.
The front featured a wonderful die-cut illustration of Matt.
inside has a rather long message for a card of any type. It is set inside
of a postcard and reads:
Dear Nephew
You should
see the way these Silly Creatures act. You would think
they had never seen a radish before! All day long they have been
carrying around these strange-looking radishes and giving them ti their
friends and saying " Happy Vallen Time ". Weird!
Love, Your
Uncle Traveling Matt
P.S. they don't taste too good either.
P.P.S. Happy " Vallen Time " to you too, whatever that means!
It appears
that the card's interior was rather forced as far as creativity goes.

Rock Bookmarks (1988)
Publishing Company published these four bookmarks. They were released
in 1988 as part of the final stab at merchandising Fraggle Rock with the
hopes of success from the cartoon series.
in this series were bookmarks featuring a Doozer, Gobo, Red and Wembley
(who didn't seem to get much of his own merchandise). Each mark has a
little play on words involving book or reading themes and the character's
personality in some way. The actual artwork is decent but not spectacular.

Rock Free Kid's Fun Pack (1993)
In 1993
an offer corresponding with the new Fraggle Rock videos and music releases
was made available through the tapes and recordings themselves and a special
version of the offer could be acquired through an issues of the fall of
that year's Family Circle magazine.
With proof
of purchases from the new Fraggle Rock videos or of the new music album
"Music and Magic", one could get two free 6 by 6 inch versions
of the former Weekly Reader Fraggle Rock books: "Best Friends"
and "What's A Fraggle". However, with a special gift coupon
from an issue of the magazine Family Circle, not only could you get the
two mini books, but also a free set of Fraggle Rock stickers along with
three individual coloring pictures of the Fraggle Rock characters (a sheet
of stickers from the movie "The Muppet Christmas Carol" were
added as well).
The issue
of Family Circle magazine is believed to be from September of 1993 and
has a 1 and a 1/2 page advertisement explaining this offer which included
the coupon and various images of Gobo and Red Fraggle, some of which may
have been photographed for that particular offer.
Fraggle Rock sticker sheet is interesting for two somewhat odd reasons.
The Gobo depicted on one sticker is the early first season version of
the puppet sans his red jacket which made him look a little unfamiliar
especially since the original puppet had more of wild look as opposed
to the cool controlled attitude of the common puppet. The second oddity
is that the sticker of Boober shows him without his tuft of red tail hair.
It looks like that the puppet actually doesn't have any hair on its tail
rather than it simply being cropped out of the image.
The 3 coloring
pages were all 2 sided creating a total of 6 images. It's interesting
to note that the actual images on these are taken from various differing
sources of Fraggle Rock artwork. For instance, the Wembley Fraggle coloring
page shows his the cartoon incarnation and the Red Fraggle page appears
to be one of the Fraggle Rock Stampos rubber stamp images, however, this
may be one either not used or from a set
still unknown.
Go back to
Fraggle Rock Collectibles.

compiled by
Nick Bondra, Cindy Chapman and Phillip Chapman