Wearin' O the Green (For St. Patrick's Day)


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Oct 24, 2003
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Chapter 1: Wake up and Smell the Shamrocks

“You won’t forget to wake me up early, will you?” asked Robin excitedly. Kermit smiled and tucked the covers more firmly around Robin’s middle.
“Promise,” said Kermit. He bent and pressed a fond kiss over Robin’s smooth forehead, enjoying the damp, faintly swampy smell of a squeaky-clean young frog.
“And my uniform’s all ready, right?”
“And my water bottle is in the fridge?”
“Yes, Robin.”
“And my shoes are all polished?”
“Robin,” Kermit said firmly. “You don’t wear shoes.”
“Oh,” said Robin sheepishly. “Right. I’m just excited.”
“Well, I’m excited too,” said Kermit, “but tomorrow morning is going to come early, so if we don’t get a little shut-eye—“
Robin obliged by squeezing his eyes tightly shut with enough energy to power a Sherman tank. Kermit sighed, patted him lightly on the head, and switched off the light. He paused in the doorway for a moment, enjoying the sight of Robin nestled into his bed—a real bed. In a few weeks, Robin would go back to the swamp for Spring Break, leaving his uncle with a little time on his hands sans progeny. Kermit observed the march of days with equal parts delight and dread. He shut the door and walked down the hall toward his own room.

Robin had been wildly excited about his Frog Scout troop being invited to walk in the big Hensonville St. Patrick’s Day parade. It was a big honor, for they would not only walk in formation, but they would dispense candy to the children and flyers to all of the adults along the route. The flyers would remind the citizens of the goings-on in the once-empty warehouse near the end of town where the parade would end. Kermit smiled, again with anticipation and dread. There would be a big chili cook-off and charity bazaar going on. There would be booths and fair games. There was to be an apple pie-eating contest that had Gonzo and Rizzo doing “pie-drills” at the drop of an, um, pie. The Electric Mayhem had promised to provide music, and Fozzie was playing Barker. “Seems like that ought to be my job,” Rowlf had joked, but Rowlf had duties of his own that day. Even Piggy had something planned to help the cause, but his quests for information about the specifics had been met with giggles, evasion and downright insubordination. Kermit thought determinedly of the thirty-dozen details that he was sure he had forgotten to remember, but in reality he was pretty certain that Scooter would not let him down.
The mayor and city planner had called Kermit in, praised his contributions to the city, flattered him to the point of embarrassment and all but demanded he head up the day’s events. Kermit had left the meeting bemused, resigned and clutching a list of potential sponsors. Scooter had made short work of that contact list and, supplementing it with Kermit’s own connections and the connections of Scooter’s once-powerful uncle, had garnered the manpower and dry goods necessary to make this flying umbrella go.
The city had given permission to use the warehouse space for the fund-raiser, and the money raised was to be channeled into several programs and events in the thriving (ahem) metropolis of Hensonville. Robin’s scout troop hoped to raise not only money, but awareness, too, with a conservation booth touting several of the projects that his troop hoped to launch in the coming year. Kermit did not expect to see the inside of his domicile from sun-up to long after sun-down tomorrow. Speaking of the inside…Kermit made haste to examine the inside of his eyelids with determination.

“Wake up!” cried Robin excitedly. “The sun is up! The sun is up already!”
Kermit groaned and tried to roll out of bed. He managed it on the third try, blinking blearily at his bright-eyed nephew in the faint sunlight filtering into his room. “The sun is up,” was an overstatement. “The sun is visible” would have been more accurate. Nevertheless, Kermit knew with crystal clarity that he would never fight his way out of that bed twice in the same morning, so he stayed where he was for a moment, then stumbled downstairs for coffee.
Foreseeing his own short-sightedness this morning, Kermit had done everything but press the little button on the coffee pot. He did so now, and in a very short period of time—which seemed very long indeed to the caffeine-challenged amphibian—he had in his Disney store mug a cup of hot Joe that revived him in stages. When he could almost see the bottom of the mug, he began to feel amphibian again and celebrated by refilling his cup.
Robin was up, dressed and as well-turned-out in his Frog Scouts uniform as a bandbox. He waited with ill-disguised impatience for the hands of the clock to move forward, practically hopping up and down in his enthusiasm. Mindful of Robin’s heightened state of excitement, Kermit forewent a shower, shave and clothing—since these things are almost always optional for frogs—and in no time the two frogs were peddling down the wide streets of Hensonville toward the site of the St. Patrick’s Day fair. Kermit could certainly make use of Robin’s seemingly boundless (boundful?) energy until it was time for him to line up with the other frog scouts for the parade. And for that, Kermit was glad. It was going to be a busy day, and he'd take all the help he could get!
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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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How cute! I love it. I hope this isn't all. I want to know how the day goes. Ru you've done it again...and so have I...Okay okay I'll get back to my mailbox. :smile:

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Woo-hoo! Another one of mistress Catherine's sidestories!

Absolutely thrilled to all that's going on as part of the plans for the festival.
The frog scouts will probably be the cutest thing of all, unless Bean makes a quick cameo appearance.
Funny that Kermit has a Disney Store coffee mug.
It feels like more and more of the town's getting explored and plotted out in the map of fanfictional tellings.
Methinks it should be "Kermit could use" instead of "us" some of Robin's energy.

Loved it... Please post more when it's ready.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Tapping fingers on armchair until more fanfic gets posted... Please? Ru?


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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Is coming, is coming! Is working on another story! (And wrestling mightily with the Hensonville Map.) More tonight!


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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Wrestling mightily with the Hensonville Map? So who's winning you or the map?

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*In Floyd voice: I got five bucks on the map. *Raspy laughter issues forth.
LMK if you need help Cath. Sure know what it's like wrestling with ideas and the hardships of not being able to decide what you want.

Oh and Christy... Don't you have a story to update as well? Hmmm?


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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Chapter 2: The Set-Up

The dunking booth was full, and Kermit looked at it doubtfully. Full of what? was the question Kermit feared to ask. Gonzo followed his line of sight and realized at once what Kermit must be wondering.
“It’s not Kool-aid,” said Gonzo reassuringly.
“Oh, good,” said Kermit, with a great sigh of relief. “I was worried that—“
“It’s Jello.”
There was a long silence, broken by another sigh.
“Gonzo, who do you think will want to see someone dumped into a tank of green jello?”
“That sounds fun!” said Robin. “Can I try, Uncle Kermit? After the parade? Can I? Puhlease?”
“We’ll, er, talk about it after the parade, Robin, okay?”
“Oh, okay, Uncle Kermit. I won’t forget.”
Inwardly, Kermit groaned. Small chance of that! Robin had a great memory for things Kermit wished he wouldn't remember. He began to steer his nephew away.
“Si, si—is brilliant, no?” said Pepe. Kermit was beginning to question the wisdom of allowing Gonzo, Rizzo and Pepe the leeway to feed off of each other’s bizarre behavior, but there wasn’t much he could do about it now. “All of the hot womens will want to dunk Pepe, no?” asked the saucy little king prawn.
Only if they can hold you under, thought Kermit grimly. "Um, sure, Pepe," he said. They moved on.

“This looks great, Rowlf,” said Kermit admiringly.
“Wow, Mr. Rowlf! I like the way you’ve decorated your piano!” piped Robin.
“Thanks, short stuff,” said Rowlf, winking at Robin and wiggling the bill of his Frog Scout cap.
“I’ll bet you really pack the people in for this,” Kermit said, admiring the posters advertising showtimes.
“Hope so,” said the canine piano player amiably. “Wayne and Wanda are going to open, followed by our little quartet, and Marvin is going to do every other show.”
“Marvin, um, Suggs?” asked Kermit. Rowlf gave him a frank look and shrugged.
“He wanted to do something for the cause.”
“Well, that’s admirable, I suppose. Speaking of cause…do you know where Piggy is setting up her booth? I still don’t know what she’s doing to raise money.”
Rowlf suddenly became very preoccupied with what looked to be a flea behind his ear, and Kermit’s eyes narrowed suspiciously. He had never known Rowlf to have fleas—not ever.
“Rowlf—do you know something I should know?”
Rowlf looked up, his eyes wide and guileless. “Absolutely not,” said his shaggy friend. Kermit returned the look for a moment, then figured he was being paranoid, and tried to shrug it off. “Oh,” said Rowlf, as though suddenly remembering. “You might want to check out Chef’s booth. He’s doing something, um, green in honor of the holiday. I was hopin’ for green beer, but….”
“As opposed to the things he serves that shouldn’t be green,” said Kermit dryly, and the two males exchanged wicked smiles. “I’ll check it out,” said the resigned amphibian. “It can’t be worse than last week’s Swedish tennis balls.”
Rowlf shrugged. “I thought they were better this time,” he said philosophically. Kermit laughed and walked away with his arm around Robin’s shoulder.
Once they had gone, the talented canine performer let out a slow breath. “I am absolutely certain that you do not need to know what Piggy is doing to raise money. You won’t like it, and it’s too late to stop her.”

“Okay, Sweetums,” Scooter was saying patiently. “When people come in their cars and want to park for the parade, you make sure they find a place.”
Sweetums nodded enthusiastically. “Ah can do that!” he said proudly.
“Great!” intoned Scooter. “But remember—we need to be sure we're leaving enough room for people to get out of each row, okay?”
Sweetums nodded, but seemed vague enough to make Scooter ask again.
“Do you know what I mean, Sweetums? We want to be sure that the cars can get out if someone who parked in the first row wants to leave before someone parked in the last row. Got it now?”
The little light bulb went on. It was a small bulb, but it was a sincere one. “Oh!” said the gentle giant. “Ah unnerstand!”
Scooter patted his arm, which was about even with the top of his own head. “Good job, Sweetums,” he said generously. “Thanks for helping out!”
“No problem!” The big fellow gave a big thumbs up, and Scooter moved on to the snow cone machines to see how the penguins were fairing.
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The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Mmm... It's always a treat to get an update to one of your stories Ru.

Lime jello... Heh, funny.
Rowlf's gotten everybody he could get from the theater to help with his little show.
Hmmm, the Chef wouldn't be up to making green Kermelon platters again would he?
Great reference to one of the funnier Swedish Kitchen moments... The bincy-bouncy-buurrgers.

And why am I as hesitant to see Piggy's booth as the frog is? At the risk of repeating myself... More please!


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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Yeah, it's terrific so far! Wow, I wonder what it is that Piggy could possibly be doing for the cause that Kermit won't like?
BTW, no offense to all of you ushygushy people out there, but I'd like to commend the lack of it in this story so far. After all, there's so much other fun stuff to see!

More please!