Tips on Puppet Building Workloads


New Member
Aug 2, 2013
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I have to make several puppets for a Youtube channel I'm hoping to get up and running soon. I'm not really looking for help. I'm really just curious how other people build.

The first two puppets I made took a long time since I was learning but now that I have my techniques down I can knock one out in just a few hours. I still wonder if my workflow could improve a bit though. I've recently started treating it more like an assembly line. I'll work on several characters at once and make all the mouth plates, then all the foam skulls, etc. Do you focus on one character at a time? Do you try to finish it in one sitting or one day or do you get the basic shape done and then take more time giving it the right character?

I find that when I get the heads done and covered with fleece I usually hit a stopping point and focus on the individual characters a bit more. Sometimes I'll have one puppet that will sit on my work bench for a week or more and I'll just experiment with facial features before making a decision and permanently attaching features. Which brings up another question. Do you usually already have a pretty solid idea for how each puppet will look or are you more flexible, allowing the character to change and evolve as you build it?


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2010
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I generally focus on one puppet at a time, and I have a definite design in mind when I make them. I spend weeks on each puppet! For a blow-by-blow of how I make a puppet (complete with a setback or two) you can check out the thread Puppet-in-Progress: From the foam up.