The Mario Kart Thread


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
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I don't think we have a thread for the Mario Kart series already, so I decided to make one!

First of all, do you have any fond memories of playing this series? Or those times that have made you incredibly angry?

And do you have a favorite MK game?
How about least favorite?
The one character you always race as?
Top 3 all-time favorite tracks?
Least favorite track?
Best item?
Worst item?


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
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I'll go first.

I can't really think of any fond Mario Kart memories, but I always love playing with my family and beating them. I always get so angry whenever I'm in first place and towards the end, BAM - I get hit by a blue shell. :mad:

I think my favorite MK game would have to be DS. It has a special place in my heart because it was my first MK gane.
I don't really have a least favorite right now.
The character I always pick is Yoshi. I seem to have pretty good luck with him.
My top 3 favorite tracks are Waluigi Pinball, DS Rainbow Road, and Neo Bowser City.
I don't really have a least favorite track yet, either.
The best item in my opinion is the Boo, because I get to steal other people's items. Muahahaha... :batty:
The worst item is definitely the Coin in MK8. Seriously, what is the point of that?? There's already plenty of coins on the tracks...


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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I'm always down to play Mario Kart.

Rainbow road on the other hand.... :grr:


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Nah, but if you ask me, I think the most annoying thing about MK is getting hit by a lighting bolt. That really ***** me up.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I never played the first Super Mario Kart until I got the WiiU, having been a big fan of those games, I was happy to finally play the first... And it wasn't as great as the others. It's still a good game, but I guess the later games were so much better that it's hard to rank it as one of the best (maybe an example of TV Tropes' "Seinfeld is Unfunny"). I did want to play the game when it was new but I didn't have a Super Nintendo and not many people I would visit had one (we all seemed to have either an NES or a Sega Genesis).

On the other hand, a few years ago, I played Mario Kart 64 (the first of them I ever played) for the first time in a long time, and I feel like that's still a great game. The most recent ones (Mario Kart 7, Mario Kart 8, Mario Kart Wii) are also super great.

The only Mario Kart console game I have not played is the one for the Game Cube.... And I didn't even realize until a few years ago that my brother had the game (I don't even remember knowing about the games existence back when it was new) but he seems to have lost his copy. Of course while me and my brother had a Game Cube I didn't really play it very often (there weren't many games I was interested in). Otherwise, the only other MK games I have not played are some of the arcade games (but my local Chuck E. Cheese used to have the second one; I thought it was fun but not as good as the other ones, despite also including Pac-Man characters).

It's interesting how at first, most of the Mario Kart games incorporated the system name into the title (the first arguably counts, as it's the only one with "Super" in the title, but "Super" is a common term in the Mario games, and while it was in many Super Nintendo titles, I don't know if Nintendo planned at the time to make more Mario Kart games, not to mention they dropped the "Super" from the series after the Super Nintendo had been discontinued anyway), and yet the last couple of them have sequel numbers in the title.... And those two came after they started producing the licensed arcade games, and therefore are not really Mario Kart 7 and 8.

Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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the only two mario kart games i've played are the ds and wii ones. on the ds i usually play as dry bones and on the wii I always play as luigi

is blue shell a copout for best? actually no, the blue shell might knock the person in first down a few places, but when you're in last, that doesn't help. I'll say the star or bill

worst? the blooper. useless. though green shells are up there too

its been so long since i've played i cant really remember many of the tracks that i hate

also sega all stars is a better cart racing game


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2015
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Favourite Mario Kart- Mario Kart Wii or Mario Kart 7
Least Favourite- Don't have one
Favourite tracks- Yoshi Falls, Coconut Mall and Bowsers Castle (Wii)
Favourite Item- Rocket
Least Favourite- Bananas