Stars & Street Forever

  • Thread starter Philo and Gunge
  • Start date

Philo and Gunge

I was looking at the tapes Boober_Gorg got for me (I am going to send your tapes at the end of the week). I noticed how this speical is great for SS fans. It was shown in 1994 on ABC (most likely seen only once!). It is different from the video 25 years special, as this one consists of classic clips with a big story around them: Ronald Grump (played by the amazing Joe Pesci) knocking down Sesame Street to build a Grump Tower, it is also a spoof off 20/20 with Kathy Lee Kathy (Juila Louie-Dreyfus) as a reporter with a talk show that only lasted a few weeks (we never found out how many). Elmo, who is mostly a pain in the *** is extremly funny like his first line in the special. The cast thinks about the good times they had with clips from the show. Has anybody beside me and Boober_Gorg seen this speical?


Active Member
Dec 22, 2003
Reaction score
Yes! I have this special on tape as well. I do like it but as with most SS specials, they tend to show the same classic sketches and songs. But all in all, it was done very well. I really like the Alphabet Song at the end where they play different scenes for each letter. That always sends shivers up my spine.