RIP Donald Trump Presidency

Steve Arino

Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2019
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Donald Trump, age 74, is still VERY much alive--BUT at 11:30 A.M. ET this morning, the Presidency of Donald Trump died as a result of his opponent, Joe Biden, age 77, who became President-Elect on Saturday, November 7, 2020.

The Presidency of Donald Trump was born on November 9, 2016 at 3 A.M. ET, when Donald Trump surpassed Ronald Reagan as the then-Oldest U.S. President-Elect at age 70 after beating Hillary Clinton to the White House with 306 Electoral Votes, eventually taking the Oath of Office on January 20, 2017.

4 years later, after a long-hard battle to win re-election, the Presidency of Donald John Trump is officially Over, and on January 20, 2021, Joe Biden, who previously served as Vice President under Barack Obama, will succeed The Donald in taking the Oath of Office.

As America approaches the final days of Donald Trump's Presidency, The Donald is sure NOT to end his Presidency gently into that good night--and has already vowed to continue filing Frivolous Lawsuits based on Butt-Kiss Information about Voter Fraud across America; to paraphrase Philadelphia mayor Jim Kenney, it's time for Donald Trump to Put his Big-Boy Pants On and Accept his Defeat just as Daddy Bush (referring to George H.W. Bush) did 28 years ago when he lost HIS re-election bid to opponent Bill Clinton in 1992.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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He's pretty much already done that. He claims there's too many illegal votes, and as such, he's still the winner.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2002
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As America approaches the final days of Donald Trump's Presidency, The Donald is sure NOT to end his Presidency gently into that good night--and has already vowed to continue filing Frivolous Lawsuits based on Butt-Kiss Information about Voter Fraud across America; to paraphrase Philadelphia mayor Jim Kenney, it's time for Donald Trump to Put his Big-Boy Pants On and Accept his Defeat just as Daddy Bush (referring to George H.W. Bush) did 28 years ago when he lost HIS re-election bid to opponent Bill Clinton in 1992.
What are the Democrats afraid of in the lawsuits? It is President Trump's legal rights to ask for recounts and to file lawsuits to ensure that the process was followed legally. The courts will determine the legitimacy of the lawsuits, not the Democrats. Were the Democrats complaining 4 years ago when the Clinton campaign was asking for recounts in several close states? The Democrats claimed for the last 4 years that the Russians hacked the 2016 election. Are we now to believe that no one else was capable of hacking the 2020 election? If the Russians could do it, why couldn't a Democrat sponsored entity do it? Soros and Bloomberg certainly have the financial resources to back it. And I'm not saying they did anything of the sort. But if one is to believe it was possible 4 years ago, you need to believe it is possible this year.

The only way to prove the legitimacy and integrity of our election process is to go through these thorough examinations. I welcome them as I feel that it will show how reliable and legitimate our election process is.

Then, after the legal processes have played out, he should put on his big boy pants and accept his defeat.


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2018
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So is this post to imply that you wanted Trump to win?


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2002
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President-elect Biden calling for a more civil & united political atmosphere. Let's hope that plays out. First thing he needs to do is call Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi in his office and tell them that. And then ask for the resignation for all the career politicians like Pelosi, Reid, McConnell and Graham. That would be a good first step.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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Some of you might be too young to remember 2000 with Al Gore demanding a recount in Florida. It didn’t help, but it was within his right to do so.