Respectful Politics Thread (Let's Just See)


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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At this point I'm almost for the wall if it gets him to shut up about it, and if it gets the government reopen.
But, that's exactly what he wants: he wants everybody to cave in to him, and give him what he wants . . . exactly like the spoiled child in the family who continually pesters their parents for that new, expensive (albeit useless) toy that they want, and keep on and keep on until the parents cave and waste their money buying the toy to shut him/her up.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2009
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Oh, don't get me wrong, I do thoroughly enjoy what I do, and I do mainly do it for the art, not the glory, or the fame, or the numbers or anything like that; it's my passion, my drive, my life.

At the same time, the frustration is, lack of exposure means lack of feedback, and lack of feedback makes it really difficult to know whether or not anybody else out there notices or enjoys the art I put out to share. When I started out, I used to get much more constructive comments from people, pointing out what they liked about what they watched, what they might like to see as potential follow-ups, even suggestions of what could have been said or done for a different kind of effect or punchline or whatever; in recent years, I mostly get maybe just a couple of generic, "That's funny" comments.

I'm not saying I want people to write essays and dissect my work or anything, but I do find constructive comments and feedback useful and helpful, because it gives me an idea of what works, or what doesn't work, and sometimes people will even see things from an angle that even I didn't see - which is one of the reasons why I love art so much, because it's open to interpretation.
I think that if it's something you genuinely love to do as a passion, and it makes you feel good, then keep on going with it by all means. There's always going to be family, close friends and loyal fans that you can share work to and hear what they might have to say. I mean, I like to do Let's Plays and put them up on YouTube, but it's not to deliberately gain's just a hobby that I love to do when I have the time. And there's so many things you can create and experiment with.

So keep up the stuff! Do what you love!

(Not to digress from the thread, but just wanted to give my two cents. :smile:)


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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See, now here is another prime example of how conservatives (mainly the Trumpsters) will not accept the actual, solid facts that they demand, even when it's presented to them, because they don't fit their narratives or agendas:

Oh yeah, and the cons are always trying to shame Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez again by jumping all over an old video of her dancing (specifically, paying tribute to THE BREAKFAST CLUB) in college, because it means we now have a fool in Congress.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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See, now here is another prime example of how conservatives (mainly the Trumpsters) will not accept the actual, solid facts that they demand, even when it's presented to them, because they don't fit their narratives or agendas:

Oh yeah, and the cons are always trying to shame Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez again by jumping all over an old video of her dancing (specifically, paying tribute to THE BREAKFAST CLUB) in college, because it means we now have a fool in Congress.
Those points make a lot of sense, and it dosnt seem very practical to focus all the attention to just a wall.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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How much y’all willing to bet his little supporters are going to be complaining non-stop about the fact that “his wall was never built because of the lefties” for endless months if he (hopefully) ends up losing next year?


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Those points make a lot of sense, and it dosnt seem very practical to focus all the attention to just a wall.
I already figured out many of these points (namely, immigrants still finding other ways of getting in, bypassing the wall), and I didn't even need facts or statistics to do so . . . it was just me using common sense - something the Trumpsters have no experience with. :stick_out_tongue:
How much y’all willing to bet his little supporters are going to be complaining non-stop about the fact that “his wall was never built because of the lefties” for endless months if he (hopefully) ends up losing next year?
I wouldn't put it past them. Heck, they're still griping about Hillary! Griping about how the left hasn't gotten over her losing (they have, they got over it long ago), or the same old, "But! Her emails!"


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Yeah, and they say anti Trump people are “non-playable characters.” :rolleyes: