Remembering 9-11


Staff member
Apr 11, 2002
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In light of the two year anniversary of 9-11 tomorrow, the tragedies and challenges will be on all of our hearts. I wanted to begin a discussion where we could all talk about the events of that day and how our lives are forever changed. So feel free to share whatever is on your heart as we take time to listen and encourage one another.

Please try to be extra sensitive towards one another's feelings. This isn't a political debate, we are trying to provide a healthy environment where we can discuss the situations and emotions at hand.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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9-11 makes me think that anything could happen to you, even when you don't know it. I couldn't understand it at first, but since then I've had memories of what happened to the people of New York. I wished that there would of been something we could of done but like people or God would say, "It was just their time to go." But still why did it have to be those people, why not... I just don't know. We need to find Ben Laden and put him in a plane and crash it into the sea (hope thats not to harsh). But still since we're good people we don't do that stuff to other people. Well thanks for letting me getting this off my chest.

Just to know that all of them are getting to see Jim and Richard for the first time, and they are proubly having the time of their life. Well guys up there have a pleasent time for the rest of eternity.

P.S. Phillip are ya'll going to do a thing for the opening of the site for tomorow like ya'll do for other holidays or birthdays?


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2002
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It's hard to believe it has been two years already. 9-11 affected me pretty profoundly even though I didn't know anyone directly involved. I had a 9:30 class and heard something about it from a classmate before class started, but I shrugged it off, thinking it was an odd but not too major thing. He asked if I'd heard a couple of planes had crashed into the WTC; I figured he meant a couple tiny one-man planes, bouncing off the side and crashing. Something like that. And the teacher didn't mention anything. So I was shocked when I left the auditorium and passed the school cafeteria around 10:30 to see everything unfolding on TV. I think it was when I saw the Pentagon that I really got spooked. In the days that followed, I was all but convinced that World War III or something comparable was at hand; life would never be the same again. I was scared to death, as well as consumed with the corporate grief of the nation. Eventually I calmed down a bit, but the event cast a pallor over the remainder of my college career. I still don't know if I feel very secure. But I was impressed by the way the country came together in the time of crisis. Those first days after 9-11, for the most part, brought out the best in Americans, and in the caring individuals across the globe who sent their prayers and support. It was truly inspiring to see how compassionate people could be in the midst of tragedy. I hope we don't lose sense of that good will; I think the best commemoration of this dreadful day would be a renewed commitment to be just a little bit nicer to one another.

Skeeter Muppet

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2002
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Like Erin, I was at college when it happened. I was hanging out in my bedroom, slacking off before my 12:30 class when my phone rang. It was my mom, wanting to know if I was watching the news. When I told her my television was off, she told me that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center in New York. I forget if I thought it was a small plane or not, but I turned on the television...I think it was after the second plane had hit or just as it hit. I was in complete shock the rest of the day. I remember going to the library for some reason, and there was a television on with the channel turned to CNN or Fox News. My creative writing class was supposed to have a guest speaker that day, but class ended up being canceled when our speaker didn't show, obviously because she was affected by this. My evening class also wound up being cut short so that students could go to the auditorium to participate in a prayer vigil.

Afterwards I was scared. Not for myself, but for my brother and my cousin. I knew that the possibility that the US would go to war over this was great. My cousin was in the Marines, and I knew he would probably end up being shipped overseas. My brother had just turned eighteen, and I was worried that he would get drafted and something would happen to him.

Last year, on the Anniversary, my campus held another prayer vigil. A lot of students spoke, representing various organizations and cultures that were on campus, including non-Christian religions (even Wicca). There were a couple PowerPoint music montages honoring the people who died on that day. I thought it was a very nice ceremony. Not everyone thought so, because an alumnus of the college either attended or heard about the vigil, and he wrote a letter to the town and campus papers saying how he thought the college was moving away from its Christian roots by allowing non-Christian religions (and ideas, since gays were represented at the vigil) to be represented. The audacity and prejudice of this man shocked and sickened me. A couple students gave a nice rebuttal to his argument in the campus paper the following week. However, I don't think that this year there will be another vigil and I think that guy is partially to blame for it.



Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2002
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I had the day off work and was waiting to see one of my afternoon soaps so i caught the newsflash on BBC1,
Immediatley I called my Great Aunt I don't know why, I guess i needed to hear a comforting voice we sat and watched everything unfold.
I remember calling a Friend of mine who worked in London, knowing that she worked for an American bank over here, eventually I got through and found out that she was on the way home after being on the phone to an American collegue before the phones cut out.
I had a call from a friend who had been at work all day, she had heard what had happened but had no real way of getting any information and we went to a bar where she could watch the news with some of her co-wokers, Three Asian gentlemen walked in and the place went dead, it was truly horrible.
The scale of what had happened didn't hit me untill the following day, I just had no concept, how could you.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I don't quite know what to put in this thread, and in the light of how I get into trouble when I try to help, I'll just post a mental silence in memory of those who died, and say a small prayer for their families.


Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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These events reminded me of something very important that I knew all along.

I was reminded that in the twinkle of an eye all the things you ever knew and loved can be stripped from you--that the loved ones in your life can be taken away; that every moment counts.

Never EVER go away from someone mad, and if you have to walk away from someone you care about, don't let anger and hatred be the last thing you talk about--if you love them, SAY SO! Even to your friends, and to friends you haven't ever even met yet (I love you guys here!).

Happiness is imperative, and to all those you love and are friends with be sure that you not only make every moment count, but do as you will to make sure they are happy, and laughing. Why? If ever a moment comes where all you have are the memories of someone, why not let those memories be of how you made someone laugh.

Learn to hug your friends and family alike, male or female, because when they're gone, you'll never have that chance again. Write them letters and cards and tell them that you appreciate them if you can't say it.

When you go home tonight, hug your babies and hold them in your lap, spend time with them and talk to them, even if it's nonsensical stuff. Because when you are gone, those moments will be the ones they will need to remember.


Dr. Bombay

Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I worked at a national travel agency at the time and I was woke up by the television blaring upstairs. I was furious that someone in my house would be so rude. I got up there just after the first plane had hit and right as the second plane was hitting. I couldn't believe it. I went to work and heard as I got in that a plane had crashed into the Pentagon. I was thinking what is going on to cause all these planes to crash? And then when I heard the one crash into Penn. I was really scared. I thought they would let us go home after we had heard that all the airports everywhere had been closed but we had to stay to help the morons who were calling ticked that their flights had been cancelled. I can't believe some people can be so ridiculous.

After work I went to a candle light vigil at the State Capitol with one of my friends. I really wanted to go to NYC to help them with recovery. I think I may have went to give blood in some of the following days because there really wasn't anything I could do to help other than that and to pray. I felt such sorrow for those who had lost family members and friends.

I still pray for those families. My heart goes out to them today.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I guess it's time for a little rant. I've been angry lately, so if I offend, I am sorry, it's not my intent.

What is up with this world? The idioitic world leaders get into a disagreement, they send innocent bystanders to fight their battles why they lounge in the luxury of their hot tubs. I'm not talking about Bush... not talking about Saddam... I'm talking ALL of them. Why can't they fight each other instead of getting all of us involved? To that extent why can't the terrorists, religious extreemists and the KKK fight each other and let us peace loving people be? We don't want loss of human lives, they do... let the babies have their bottles and let the rest of us live our lives without their crazy psycopathic ramblings....


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2002
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Mention this to me
Mention something, mention anything
... and watch the weather change

I have come curiosly close to the end, down
Beaneath my self-indulgent pitiful hole,
Defeated, I concede and
Move closer
I may find comfort here
I may find peace within the emptiness
How pitiful

It's calling me...

And in my darkest moment, fetal and weeping
The moon tells me a secret-my confidant
As full and bright as I am
This light is not my own and
A million light reflections pass over me

Its source is bright and endless
She resuscitates the hopeless
Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting

And as I pull my head out I am without one doubt
Don't wanna be down here feeding my narcissism.
I must crucify the ego before it's far too late
I pray the light lifts me out
Before I pine away

So crucify the ego, before it's far too late
To leave behind this place so negative and blind and cynical,
And you will come to find that we are all one mind
Capable of all that's imagined and all conceivable
Just let the light touch you
And let the words spill through
And let them pass right through
Bringing out our hope and reason...

Before we pine away.........................................................................