RedPiggy's Realizations


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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Up is the first episode of my series, RedPiggy's Realizations.

You can find it here.

Oh, and Ed ... while I have pics of some of the characters, it's basically just me ranting.

The intro consists of a dark background of the Skeksis castle in the distance on a dark stormy night. Ballroom Sarah and Jareth appear on screen right, facing to the left. Mokey is just left of Sarah, facing left, Robbie then appears behind Mokey and feeds Baby to his left from a glass jar. After that, Chamberlain-in-rags appears in the far left of the screen facing right. Finally, Kermit in a tuxedo appears in between Sarah and Jareth and the red-golden title "Redpiggy's Realizations" appear.

The end credits just has more pics from RTL and the movie Labyrinth (during the As the World Falls Down snippet).

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Thanks, I enjoyed that. Of course, I did read your shpiel about this when you posted it on FB as well. I rather like the little character conglomoration you described.
BTW: A couple of things I never mentioned after getting RTL Volume 3 from you... What was the name of Spittledrum's tarot card panel? And I know this because of the shots Disney used to insert into their movies that only people truly looking at it would find the hidden "adult-toned" images and because I had a high school classmate who was equally artistically talented. (Trust me, my own drawings were more of a cartoon style when compared to his, though mine were done well at times.) Anyway... The panel with Mezumi latching her cloudwater chain onto Toby, making him buckle downwards... Didn't that look like she adopted the classic dominatrix appearance? Meh, whatevs I guess. Looking forward to RTL 4 and your next vlog entry.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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The Count said:
Thanks, I enjoyed that. Of course, I did read your shpiel about this when you posted it on FB as well.
Technically, it's not the same because the one on Facebook was about destiny, not love.

What was the name of Spittledrum's tarot card panel?
I don't have it in front of me right now, but I think it is "THE FOOL."

Anyway... The panel with Mezumi latching her cloudwater chain onto Toby, making him buckle downwards... Didn't that look like she adopted the classic dominatrix appearance? Meh, whatevs I guess. Looking forward to RTL 4 and your next vlog entry.
Wow, thanks for that image. I don't usually think of that sort of thing until some male brings it up, LOL.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Would like it better if it streamed continuously from start to end instead of hiccupping every 3 seconds. It only went continuedly from the bit about the Yellow Brick Road onwards.
*Laughing at attempts to get Sara away from the power cord, only because one of my family's two remaining dogs tried biting a power cable once too. Remind me to tell you her name and the horror show incident, if you're brave enough for it.
I'm with you on developing the RTL volumes further... That's why I think/hope JHC is waiting for Volume 4 just like you an me. The way I see it, put all the issues together, and you have the perfect script for Labyrinth 2 right there in your laps.
It's also why although I've seen and liked most of the Harry Potter movies, I think it's being done an injustice in its cinematic presentation. Warner Brothers owns Potter... Why not turn it into a one-hour weekly TV series for their CW network? It would be much more fuller than the movies, characters and events and subplots that were gutted can be added back in, and you build upon the richness of the world already glimpsed in the books and movies.

Looking forward to your next installment. Thanks as always.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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It quote-unquote hiccups because I lose my train of thought and I have more dead space than is really necessary. You're hearing the edits. I wish I could sustain a speech for 10 minutes ... but that's not really my strong point.

edit: oh, the streaming thing ... I can't help that ... it's been doing that to me on nearly every video ... the site itself must be all wonky...


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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Thanks. Since my Pokemon and Transformer fics are wallowing in writer's block limbo, I guess I'll do a couple of FR ones tomorrow.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Kelly... Where did you learn a funeral dirge like that? Oh yeah, it was composed by the singer in honor of their own departure. It should be somber, dignified, it even lost its sad maudling quality. But you've got to admit it's a funeral dirge you can dance to once they picked up the tempo.
:smirk: :crazy: :excited:


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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That kind of thing really amazed me about Fraggle Rock: yes, there's death, but there's always hope in some form or another, whether you end up not dying to begin with, you die but are reborn, etc.