Printable versions of stuff from forum


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
Reaction score
I doubt I'm the only person to have this problem, but let me float it out here.

Sometimes, I find it easier to read some of the epic tomes from the fanfic library by printing them out. (Easier to read them in the bathtub that way.) When I do, I have to hope, hope, hope that the pages don't get messed up by the printer, because there are no numbers on the pages, so I have to recreate the posts by date and time alone, which is difficult since some pages have neither a date nor a post on them.

Also, when you do the printable version, the text is so very close to the left edge of the paper that it is impossible to GBC bind them without punching through text. ANy help forthcoming?

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Coming to One's Aid
OK, here are some tips to keep in mind Catherine...
1 Most usually, the stories are posted with numeric chapter headings, so when ordering them yu can just find which post is Chapter 1 or One, Chapter 2 or Two, Chapter 3 or Three and so on.
2 Additionally, when trying to find the posts with the chapters, try tabbing through the posts until you find a new post by that story's author and read a little through it to see if said post contains new story or a reply message.
3 Another thing to keep in mind is that after you find the post by the story's author with new story, check the post's header to see both the time and date the post was made.
4 Since you're transfering the stories to Word before printing, another simple trick you can use is to go to the Menu Bar, bring down the Insert menu, and add Page Numbering at either the header or footer of each page to be printed to keep an easier track of what page of the story you're reading.
5 Also, if you're working in Word, I would suggest you play around with the margins for just one post/story chapte or segment and print that as you sample just how much you need to set as a margin standard so that text doesn't get sacrificed when binding the works of literature.
6 Going to answer this one here too... I've found this to be true of material you've added tabs to in a Word or Wordpad document after copying and pasting here on the forums, those tabs get converted into a single space (it's happened with my Muppet Listings). So what I would recommend is add extra spacing, about five to seven spaces to mark the beginning of a new paragraph and then...
Either post the next paragraph below the last one with the same five to seven space intro margin, or hit Enter so as to leave a blank space between paragraphs.

Hope these suggestions are useful to Ru, and I hope we get the chance to catch up again later Cath.