None Like it Hot: The "I Hate the Heat" Club


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
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Where I live, it's supposed to get up to 88° today. Thank goodness our duplex has air conditioning, or else we'd be miserable right now. The house we used to live at had no AC, and it could get awfuly muggy in Summer. So, of course, we had to rely on fans (both standing and ceiling) and open windows to keep us cool.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2009
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I'm very thankful that we're getting temps in the upper 90s, down from the 110s from the last couple of weeks. I credit the monsoon storms we've been getting this week. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2016
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D.C. has been aggrivating me lately . . . they're usually always warmer than we are, and that's something that's been going on for years, but there's been a lot of occasions within the last couple of years where they'll be far cooler than us for whatever reason.
You making fun of my home town? :grr:
No, I'm kidding, but seriously, DC and it's suburbs have been really yucko lately, I'll tell ya that!


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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:sigh: We were supposed to get some relief from the heat starting tomorrow, but now that's being delayed till the weekend, so yet another week of heat. :rolleyes:

Sylinde Bren

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2004
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...May I join your "I Hate The Heat" club, Snowth?

Summer is my least favourite season, because of all the heat and humidity. I would rather freeze and have to put on a sweater than to feel like I'm being boiled alive... Not to mention the summer migraines I'm prone to.

Autumn, "the year's last loveliest smile," is partly my favourite just for the cool weather and playful breezes. My friends and family think I'm crazy for not liking the heat, to the point where they say I'm part polar bear, LOL.

I would love to live where it never goes above 60°.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Sylinde, you and I sound like kindred spirits - you're speaking my mind, those are all my exact sentiments: summer is also my least favorite season because of the heat and humidity (and the bugs and the glaring sun); fall, to me, seems more like "the beginning of new life" to me than spring does, because fall feels like you're born again after spending three months in sweltering limbo, not mention fall begins the holiday season as well; winter is my favorite, the air is crisp and refreshing, the ambience is peaceful and tranquil, you can see more of the world around you because of lack of foliage, and I too would rather be comfortably snug in a sweater than sweating all over the place; spring I can tolerate if it's a cool spring, which is usually 50/50, but once the weather starts getting warmer, bees and wasp start coming out, and foliage turns a sickening shade of lime green, then it's less tolerable.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2015
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UGH. It was 94 degrees earlier today and was supposed to get cooler, but instead it just went up to 99 degrees. Seriously, I wouldn't mind the heat so much if I had autumn to look forward to, but every season now is slowly morphing into summer. There's no guarantee i'll ever have more than a few cold days each year anymore. :grouchy:

Sylinde Bren

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2004
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Sylinde, you and I sound like kindred spirits - you're speaking my mind, those are all my exact sentiments: summer is also my least favorite season because of the heat and humidity (and the bugs and the glaring sun); fall, to me, seems more like "the beginning of new life" to me than spring does, because fall feels like you're born again after spending three months in sweltering limbo, not mention fall begins the holiday season as well; winter is my favorite, the air is crisp and refreshing, the ambience is peaceful and tranquil, you can see more of the world around you because of lack of foliage, and I too would rather be comfortably snug in a sweater than sweating all over the place; spring I can tolerate if it's a cool spring, which is usually 50/50, but once the weather starts getting warmer, bees and wasp start coming out, and foliage turns a sickening shade of lime green, then it's less tolerable.
Yes! I can't believe I forgot to mention my hatred for bugs and the intense sunlight. You know, I would almost think bugs hate the summer heat too, with the way they're always rushing into the house when I open the door. :stick_out_tongue: And the garish sun... Yech. Just let me hibernate in the dark igloo that is my refrigerator and let me know when it's autumn.

Early spring I've always preferred over late spring, for the very same reason. Once it gets overly hot and the bees come out full-force, usually by late April-early May in my area, I've had it. Though I do like all of the flowers that blossom later on like the lilac and azalea...

Winter is indeed beautiful. I adore standing outside while it snows and looking up into the sky, snowflakes landing gently on my face and eyelashes. Everything is so quiet then, especially at night when one can almost hear the soft sound of snowflakes landing atop one another. But, for me, starting in mid-January, I begin to get a little restless for colour and yearn for flowers to show their joyous faces once more.

However, for now, as we all languish in the summer heat, perhaps this would be helpful?



Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Wowie, wow-wow-wow! It dropped down into the 70s today, which is really, really, really, really, really, really, really odd for this time of year! It's rare that we fall so below average so late in the summer! Matter of fact, it's looking as though the rest of August may actually be pleasant for a change this year, which is also really odd, because August is usually one of our killer months as far as heat goes.

But I'm still really, really scared that September will, once again, be above average this year. Weather Channel is forecasting an average fall for us this year, but this is after they previously forecasted that September would, indeed, be above average again this year . . . it's like their projected seasonal outlook always changes month after month, so I never know what to expect. I will say that a summer that's been a majority below average this year, for once, is a welcome change of pace after the above average winter and spring that came before it.