Next season, please!


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2002
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I know this is a stupid question, but when does the new SS season begin? I'm about to go out of my mind watching re-runs.

If anybody at SS is listening - is there any way you could throw in some older episodes when you get this far into re-runs so us adults (hey, even my toddler is getting bored) don't feel as though we have to clench our teeth when we watch the SAME EPISODE FOR THE @)#(^$( TIME! It's even worse because so many things within each episode repeat!


Staff member
Apr 11, 2002
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The new Sesame season will air in January. Taping began several weeks ago.


Active Member
Nov 6, 2002
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how old are you?

you seem a little too into sesame old are you?


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Most of us here love Sesame Street and we range from 14 to around 60 !

Its ok for people to like this, Its not only Childrens TV.
Its also master Puppeteers doing fascinating work.

See ya


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2002
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Re: how old are you?

Originally posted by spiderman
you seem a little too into sesame old are you?
if you hate Sesame Street, you should leave!

but still, the NEW season? i mean, the sesame street's gotten BARNEY-ITUS, i hope ss get's 'cured'.

what i mean is Sesame Street's starting become like all the other kids shows, like Barney. and i think they should go back to the way it was in the 70's when anyone of any age can watch it. cuz back then, if you took away the educational stuff (ABC's and 123's), then Sesame Street would just be a comedy (like The Muppet Show)

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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I think I read somewhere that SS is getting a face-lift next season. Isn't that right?



Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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PunkNpuppets: He means that Big bird will get a beak job, and Snuffy's looking into rhinoplasty. Elmo, of course takes long naps in a cryogenic tube, he thinks that plastic surgery is a little...out there. Just kidding. I was anticipating Fozzie over here to make that joke. It means that the new things they added didn't fair well (Journey to Ernie especially), and they're going to make some changes to make them a little more appealing (of course, die hards like you would wish they'd return the show to normal)

Spidey: We're to old to be watching Sesame? I'd hate to say this, but that's like saying you're to old for Spiderman! Basically, a lot of idiots and narrow minds out there do not comprehend that Muppets aren't just for kids. (in fact, you could say that Muppets aren't just for adults). IT'S A SOCIETY DOUBLE STANDARD. You can like School House Rock even when you're 40, but Sesame is a no no? Heck, I watch Between the Lions and Arthur too. I mean, we grew up with this show, and it is forever in our hearts and minds. Some of us even go to Sesame Street live alone, or with friends. So watch what you say around a Muppet board? Capice?

Fozzie: Love the Muley Avatar. He kicks butt.. Of course, Mules kick lots of things!

And of course, Hays: I feel the same way, too. Especially last year. Everytime I turened it on, iot was the same one about the Chicken. Over and over. I wish some other great shows were in the time slot. PBS is infamous for reruns.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hey, Spiderman!

you seem a little too into sesame old are you?
OK, even if this is good-natured ribbing, I think it deserves an answer. So, first of all, I seem to be older than many of you - as I watched the ORIGINAL season of Sesame Street when it aired - admittedly, I was two!

The reason I watch every blessed day is that my own son is two. We watch the show together as the original creators intended. It gives us a full hour to cuddle and laugh together before he goes down for a nap, and if I had to watch the same episode over every day, I would (as it is, on weekends we watch the 25th anniversary video or Sing, Hoot & Howl because SS isn't on at the right time) It is the most precious time of the day for me, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

I should also say that, even with the new stuff that I don't particularly like, IT STILL WORKS. My son just turned two in August and he can say the entire alphabet, and count to twenty. (Admittedly, he counts "one, two, three, four, five, six, sewen...)

I also used to aspire work on the Street, so I watch it with professional interest. I didn't get as far in my career as I'd have liked, but others I know did, and I like watching the credits to keep up with them.

Oh, and P.S. - Thank you, thank you, thank you, Phil! At least I know how long! I didn't remember from last year because the 11th made everything time warp.

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Re: Hey, Spiderman!

Originally posted by Hays
So, first of all, I seem to be older than many of you - as I watched the ORIGINAL season of Sesame Street when it aired - admittedly, I was two!
WOW!! You ARE old!!!

Unfortunately, I'm right on your heels...

DrTOoth:"Love the Muley Avatar. He kicks butt.. Of course, Mules kick lots of things!"

Yeah, they call it "Kung MULE!" HYAH!

"Some of us even go to Sesame Street live alone, or with friends."

I did, but all the stares bothered me. :frown:

"PunkNpuppets: He means that Big bird will get a beak job, and Snuffy's looking into rhinoplasty. Elmo, of course takes long naps in a cryogenic tube, he thinks that plastic surgery is a little...out there. Just kidding. I was anticipating Fozzie over here to make that joke. "

Sometimes, I'm just a little sss lloo ooo wwww w ww getting to and from the boards...and other times I'm practicing 'yogurt' with my psychic rubber chicken, Billy.
