More SS Episode Images Not Coming to Muppet Wiki


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2002
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What makes me upset and what really annoys me is that the Sesame Street Episode pages haven't been updated since last month, (although the guide to 2963 has finally been completed), and you know what really annoys me about some Sesame Street Episode pages?

They are NOT uploading a lot of other images to Episode #'s 871 and 2269! They are NOT making any more guides to other Sesame Street Unpaved episodes! They are NOT letting me log in and upload images and they will NOT continue working on the guide to all other Sesame Unpaved episodes!:mad:

I think I've got a problem about it...

Barry Lee

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2003
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mikealan said:
What makes me upset and what really annoys me is that the Sesame Street Episode pages haven't been updated since last month, (although the guide to 2963 has finally been completed), and you know what really annoys me about some Sesame Street Episode pages?

They are NOT uploading a lot of other images to Episode #'s 871 and 2269! They are NOT making any more guides to other Sesame Street Unpaved episodes! They are NOT letting me log in and upload images and they will NOT continue working on the guide to all other Sesame Unpaved episodes!:mad:

I think I've got a problem about it...
OK, first of all, IT TAKES TIME TO GET PICTURES! People have lives, they can't dedicate there lifes to Muppet Wiki, plus, there are so many other sesame episodes to upload guides too, it will be there soon. Seriously man, they still have alot to do with muppet wiki, and it takes awhile to get everything together. BE PATIENT.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2005
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Don't you think you are being a just a little too demanding? I mean, come on, people have lives, you can't be working on stuff 24/7, so let's get over it for gosh sake. Sorry if this sounds kinda harsh but it just comes across as being pretty ridiculous y'know, just be patient like Barry said man.

Super Scooter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2002
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First of all, the Muppet Wiki is primarily for information, not necessarily pictures.

Secondly, there is most likely a number of reasons why you haven't been allowed to work on these. The "rant" in this thread may be used as an example. Perhaps a more tactful approach to the situation could be reccomended. Now, I understand completely that you're upset, I suppose I would be too, but discussing the issue calmly, maybe with one of the administrator's on Muppet Wiki, could be very helpful in this situation.

Again, the Muppet Wiki is a collaberative effort, and is, as a whole, still under major construction. Even the pages that would be seemingly complete are getting changed all the time. It just takes patience, and I'm sure the images and guides will be completed in time.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2002
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Sorry that I lose patience, guys. I couldn't stop getting upset 'bout it!

Super Scooter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2002
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Well, it's perfectly understandable getting upset once in a while. Even the frog blows up on occasion. :smile:

However, I would like to suggest taking a deep breath, then post. :wink:


Jan 17, 2007
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Actually, it was mostly my fault for the hiatus. I had been adding about 10 episodes per week and took an abrupt break from it. I've been contributing again for a couple days now, though. Meanwhile, others have certainly been contributing; I didn't remember some things, including 1836, having been there before.

Preparing those episodes is indeed a huge task. First, there's formatting the table and researching every single sketch of that episode to see if it's anywhere in the entire episode guide. Second is actually making the screencaps, and cropping them, and, thankfully, I can automate the latter. If I was alone doing it, I would never have the patience to finish an episode. Thanks to all the other contributors, I can skip taking about half of the screencaps for any given one.

871 is finished, BTW. :wink: