Making a Puppet (Please Help!!!)


New Member
Jun 7, 2004
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I'm new here, this looks like a nice site. My group does puppet shows for children.

We currently are contemplating to build a large whale puppet. We have no studio and little experience.

We were thinking of a wire frame and maybe upholstery for the body/skin.

We would like to articulate a mouth and blinking eyes; maybe even a some kind of blow hole effect would be neat.

Can anybody tell me a good website to go to for research or a good FAQ w/ pictures by any chance!!!Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.



Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Well, you're in the right place for research. In fact, I did a little for you!

Check out these links for info on how to build a whale puppet:

If you're looking for puppet building information it's a good idea to come here to the puppetry forum and use the "Search this Forum" feature to search under whatever puppetry subject you need to know about it. If it's puppetry-related chances are it's been discussed here at some point.

Also, forum member Biblebetty has a whale that I assume is like the one you want to do. The links I had to pictures of it don't seem to be working any more, but if you try emailing her privately via her profile she might be able to help you.

I've written a general guide puppet building resources here that might be helpful too. It contains links to more info on how to build blinking mechs.

I hope this helps. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2003
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Help ideas

I had an idea for your eyes...
I have an owl puppet whos eyes blink. if you have the money and are willing you could purchase one from Folkmanis and take the eyes out. If not, it is a spring loaded contraption. the two eyes are connected to springs which are connected to one rod that rod has a line which goes down to another rod where the hand is, the fingertips pull on this rod and make the eyes open and close. I know that sounds odd but if you have a specific question I can answer it or try at least.